Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Ally's Pov

I woke up the next morning to a beautiful day. The sun shone through my window, lighting up half the room. I sat up, stretched, and then yawned. I put on my silk robe and headed down stairs. "Mrs. Alexandra," Consuela began, "This letter came for you." I can't describe how fast my heart was beating, this was from Harry, I just knew it, I knew he'd write me back. I knew he hadn't given up hope on us. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I sang, as I gave consuela a hug. She was shocked from my happiness and gave out a nervous laugh.

I ran up to my room, passing my mother who was in the lounge room eating her yoghurt and muesli. "Don't forget you're trial is at 3." She called out. "I know!" I replied. As I got to my room I jumped onto my bed and looked at the letter carefully.

It wasn't from Harry. He hadn't written me back. Just like that, my happiness was gone as quick as it came. This letter in fact was addressed to me, but it was an invitation to a ball. I layed the latter beside me and thought about Harry. I thought of as many reasons as to why he hadn't written back.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." I said. The door creaked open slightly and Ethan's head appeared. "Alexandra?" he asked, knowing I was in here. "Yeah?" I replied. "Get dressed, I'm taking you out for breakfast." Then he was gone.

I got dressed into a tight black skirt and a white blouse. I put my hair into a ponytail and added a bow at the back. I walked downstairs and met Ethan. "You ready?" he asked tightening his tie. I nodded and we started for the door.

In the limousine, he tried to start a conversation, but all of it led to my trip with Harry. Even when we arrived at the cafe, all I could think about was Harry, and how we'd first met in a cafe. My berry waffles and blueberry syrup, was placed in front of me. Ethan had ordered the same.

"So..." he began, "Tell me about why you came back."

I almost choked, I didn't expect this question, and I didn't even really know myself, "Truth is," I sighed, "I'm tired of running Ethan. I'm tired of feeling guilt everywhere I go, and not being able to shake it off."

"That can't be the only reason. You talk so much about, Harry, how could you just leave him?"

I took a sip of my watermelon smoothie, "I kissed his bestfriend." I admitted.

Ethan's words came out stable, like he expected me to say that, "I see. But that's no reason to run." He had a good point, "If you really loved him, and he really loved you, then somehow you can work it out. Running never solves anything."

"One thing at a time, Ethan. I'm back to face the trial, and maybe after, I'll go looking for Harry." I hesitated but then continued, "But what if he doesn't want to see me again?"

Ethan laughed, "It sounds like you two shared something special. Of course he would want to see you again. But you'll never know if you never try."

After a few hours of catching up, the time struck us. "Oh, come on, we don't want to be late for your trial." Ethan said catching a glimpse of his watch. We rode the limousine to the trial.

The court was large and wooden, it was quite intimidating. Before we began, I spoke to Nathan's parents. "Louise, Andrew, I'm sorry, and what ever happens here, I know I deserve." Both of his parents walked off, not even replying to me. Were they that mad? I mean, I understand. I did kill their son and didn't own up until now. But I couldn't help but notice they shared a looked between each other and smiled?

When the court began, I took my seat. My mum squeezed my hand, and said, "You'll be fine." I noticed the warmth in her voice. The judge took his seat, high above any of us, and started.

"Alexandra Waldorf, you have come forward as the murderer of Nathan Forsberg. Please step forward." His voice was loud, and it scared me.

"Yes your hounour." I stepped forward. What came next surprised me, "The gaurdians of the victim have not put forward any charges against you. They have in fact requested no punishment. Judging by you're point of the story, In self defence, it's what you had to do. Therefore you are proven not guilty." I sighed and held my heart, I looked back to Nathan's parents who were smiling at me. "Thank you!" I looked at the judge. "And thank you, Mr and Mr.s Forsberg." I was so grateful for what they have done.

"Do you, Alexandra Waldorf, still take full responsibility for this event?" I nodded and sat back down, "Yes." The judge hit the pannel and declaired this Trail over. Already? I thought. This did how ever end up on my records considering I took responsibility for it.

I caught up with Louise and Andrew afterwards, "Why did you do that?" I asked. They both shrugged, "Nathan was never a good kid, going around, taking drugs, getting drunk. It's for the better. Even if he didn't die, he'd be up for countless charges, and his life would be a wreck, and so would ours. We also understand why you did it, and it is a fair enough reason."

I showed gratitude by hugging them. I couldn't thank them enough for giving me a second chance. I felt so relieved, and for once, I felt real happiness.


Becuase I love my readers so much, I'll update another part right now :)

XXx BeachHouseMansions.

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