Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Ally's Pov

"What are you doing here?" I asked dully. "Oh, I was invited. Since I am part manager at Shanghai's greatest hotel, I was invited to LA's grand opening to their new hotel." She replied with the same fake smile. I nodded unbelieveably and walked back to the limo. Harry followed only steps behind.

"If she's here, I'm not going to be." I sat and shut the door, only to be stopped my Harry's strong and firm hand. "Listen," He began, "She wont be any trouble." I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, "You can't be serious." I brushed my tongue over my teeth and looked away.

He took my hand and pulled me out. I stupidly followed him. "Just, do this for me?" He pleaded. I had no choice,"Fine."

We walked into the hotel. Harry talked to people I didn't know as I stood there nodding. Mia suddenly appeared. "Come with me." She whispered. I let go off Harry's hand and went with Mia. She grabbed two champagnes and gave me a glass.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She took two large sips of her drink. "Me and Zayn," She took a breath, "Just, had..." She giggled helplessly, "Sex." I gasped and said, "Are you for real? Where? When? How?" I questioned. "Oh I don't know," She shouted. I could tell she was drunk-ish. "Mia, shush." I informed her. "How was it?" I asked. "It was hot." She replied.

Mia's flashback

"Let's do it. Right now." Zayn said firmly. "What?" I laughed, "But we're infront of a party." He shut the door and pulled me closer. "Our windows are tinted. No one would see." Zayn gave me one soft kiss on the lips, and before we knew it. We were stripping our clothes off in a limousine. His lips kissing in between my breast, I moaned and played with his hair. I got on top of him and kissed him passionately. His hands playing with my inner thighs. He took of my underwear and did it. He held onto me softly, and thrusted hard. He kissed my neck as I sat next to him. I brought up my dress from the floor and put it back on. "Nothing happened." I winked. "Right... nothing." He winked back. We laughed and quickly got out of the limo. My first time in a limousine, with Zayn Malik. It was incredible.

I made a shocked face, "Oh my gosh Mia, you cheeky girl." She laughed and squealed, "I can't believe I've done it." I looked from side to side then whispered excitedly, "You mean, we've both done it." We both laughed. "Look, I should go and find Harry." I said, "I'll see you after the party, and we can talk details." I walked off to find Harry.

He was no where down stairs. I walked up the elegant, new stairs. Suddenly out of one of the hotel rooms, a hand grabbed me and pulled me in. If this was Jenny, she needs to stop trying to ruin my life. When is this girl going to give up?

I turned around and exclaimed, "Niall?" He looked at me bluntly, with a confused glint in his eyes. "Hi Ally," He replied with no expression. He walked up closer to me, grabbed my head and pushed me into a sudden kiss. Wait, am I kissing Niall?


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