Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ally's Pov


It started to become a regular thing now. Harry would always wait for my shift to be over and we would drink coffee, iced tea, pretty much anything. Like they say, time flies when you're having fun.
"Here you go," I said placing a peice of cake between our beverages. I sat in the usual spot - the two seater table near the window. "Thanks Ally." He replied.

We dug our spoons into the blueberry cheese cake. "The boys don't know about you yet. They call you the 'mystery girl'." Harry informed me. I laughed a little and said nothing. He swallowed loudly and said, "You know how I'm leaving tomorrow, right?"

I looked up and replied, "Yeah..." I played with the blueberry that fell off the cake with my spoon. "This is going to sound crazy, but I want you to come with me." He finished with a pleading look.
I placed my spoon down on the plate and looked into Harry's eyes. "Don't. Just, don't be nice to me. I don't deserve it." I paused and licked my lips before continuing, "I haven't been completely honest with you, and I can't be, because I know if I do you'll never look at me the same again."
Harry inhaled deeply, "What are you talking about. Tell me, Ally. Now's your chance to be honest with me."

I shook my head slowly and looked down, "I'm sorry, Harry. I can't. I'm not ready to let you in on my life, you don't deserve to be a part of my hell hole."

"Then tell me when you're ready. But right now, my feelings for you are true. Not like any other girl I've ever met - "

"Stop it, Harry. Stop!"

"No!" He shouted back.

"I can't come with you. You don't know me. And trust me when I say this, you wouldn't want to know me." I said firmly, biting my lips several times.

"I like you for who you are now. The past doesn't matter to me. Our feelings for each other are obvious, and everyday when I sit in this exact spot waiting for you, I just know it's worth it."

"It's not that way between us, Harry." I couldn't look into his eyes when I said it.

"If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the way I feel about you, then I'll leave. I wont interfere with your life anymore. I'll walk out that door and I'll never return. Just tell me you don't feel for me." His eyes watching mine carefully.

"I-I-I- " I stuttered, "I don't feel the same way about you." I lied looking into his eyes faintly with so much regret in me.

"Fine." He said coldly.

Harry waited a moment or so just incase I were to change my mind. I showed no sign of of regretting anything I said, but secretely I did inside. So he got up and walked away. Just like that he was out of the door. He couldn't even look at me.

Everything that I ever could have truly loved just walked out the door. Maybe never to be seen again. Once again, I've managed to fuck things up. I felt the forceful lump in my throat as I tried not to cry, but in the end my tears escaped. I sat alone and cried.


So... loving it? Hating it? Tell me. There is always room for improvement. Thank you for reading. Xxxxx

COLD (2014) | Harry Styles {One Direction Fan fiction} |COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now