Chapter 49

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Wow, I'm trying to follow everyone who comments on my book, but it's hard because I wish I could do more than just follow or read your books, because your comments and how you make me feel is a debt I could never repay.
I love you readers so much, you just... ARGH. <3
I have work tonight guys -.- haha I skipped my shift yesterday because I couldn't be bothered going. And hey I'm not fired... yet. :)
Chapter 49
Ally's Pov
I smiled as I lit the last candle. I had set rose petals on my bed and sprayed scent of peppermint around the room. I lit candles all around the room, making it glow. There was a small round table in the room with two seats and champagne. I was hoping to make this special for when Harry gets back.
I wore a black laced bra and underwear underneath and on top a silk see through thigh high lingerie. I let my hair fall loose and sprayed perfume on my neck, but just a tad, so it would excite Harry.
I looked around the room, proud of what I had done, then sat on my bed, waiting for Harry.
The door opened and Harry stepped in. "Woah," He muffled. I got up slowly and spoke, "Sh, don't speak." Harry looked around the room, "Ally-" He began. But I cut him off, "Don't, it's okay. I wan't this to be special. I did this all for you. Do you like it?" I was nervous for the first time ever and I didn't even know why.
"It's... amazing." Harry's eyes flickered to me, "You look incredible." I blushed. "So... I think you need to make up for what you could have done to me on the cruise." I bit my lip as I walked closer to him, seductively.
Harry pushed the door closed. It was dark, with only the lights of the candles. I took his coat off and placed his hands around my waist as he drew me into his body. My hands playing around his torso.
I kissed Harry on the lips, but he almost drew back too quickly. I tried again, but he kept moving back. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran my finger along his jaw line. "What's wrong?" I whispered. Harry looked into my eyes for a moment and replied, "Nothing."
We made our way to my bed, I pushed him down. He was sitting on the rose petal filled bed. I sat on his lap my legs spread around his waist. His chest on my chest. I began kissing down his neck.
"Ally," He said as he pushed me off him, "I'm sorry, I'm just tried." I sat on the bed next to him playing with a rose petal, "What's the matter? I'm trying to fix things." I said. Harry kissed me on the forehead as he got up and started for the door.
"I love you." He said before closing it.
I don't understand. I did all this for nothing? I got up and drank all the champagne in the glasses, my share and Harry's. I wiped my mouth and skulled more from the bottle.
I then went around and blew out all the candles one by one. I crawled back into bed still in my lingerie. Harry just turned me down, like he did at the cruise. I couldn't sleep anyway, so I got up and poured my self another glass of champagne.
It was dark and I couldn't see very well. I had poured right over the glass. "Shit." I whispered to myself. As I tried to put the bottle of champagne down, I completely missed the table as the bottle smashed on the floor.
"You can't do anything right, can you?" I said to myself. Before I could do anything else, my door opened. "Harry?" I asked, my voice hopeful.
"It's Naill, are you alright?" He stepped in and opened the lights. He caught sight of me, "Oh... I'm sorry. Um, I just wanted to make sure you're alright. I heard the bottle smash." Niall said covering his eyes.
I laughed, "It's alright, thank you though." I replied. "Come in." I said. He hesitated, "Are you sure? I mean, I don't think that's a good idea."
I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't matter anyway, Harry doesn't even want me, even in this." It hurt to say it. Niall slowly lowered his hands and walked closer towards me.
He helped me pick up the glass gently and put it into the bin near my bed. "What happened?" Niall asked. I tucked a peice of hair behind my ear and replied, "It was dark as I missed the table."
"I mean with you and Harry." Niall continued.
I exhaled loudly, "I don't know anymore." My heart raced as tears roamed around in my eyes. "I feel like, he doesn't like me anymore." My chin quivered. I was going into a mental break down.
"I can't seem to figure out what I've done wrong." I continued, a few tears streamed down my face. I was sitting on the floor now, holding my head in my hands. "He doesn't love me anymore, does he?"
Niall got up and extended a hand. "Come on, get up." He said. I reached for his hand as he pulled me up. "That's not true. Harry could never not love you. He's never been more into a girl, ever. And I reckon he'd be willing to give up his whole career for you... You're beautiful, Ally."
I wiped my tears, "Really?" I smiled. Niall brought me into his arms as he hugged. It was a long hug and one I definitly needed.
We didn't realise how long we were hugging, until it got awkward as we realised we were in each others arms and I was pretty much half naked.
"Um, sorry." Niall said as we let each other go. I shook my head, "No, thank you, for everything." I said as I crossed my arms, trying to hide my body.
"Well, goodnight." Niall said as he left quickly.
I'll try to update a lot more, I've just been so busy, sorry guys.
Love you all though! Xx
Also, what do you think Ally and Harry's ship name should be?

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