Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Ally's POV

I ran into my fathers opening arms. "Dad," I started to cry, "I'm so sorry!" I felt weak at this point. My dad and I weren't exactly on a good patch either. But he still welcomed me home, he still forgave me for running away in the first place. "Shh," My dad's voice calmed me, "I tried to warn you." He said, "I knew he was no good for you." I dug my face into my dad's chest and clenched my fists, "I should have listened," I cried, "I should have listened."

Ethan rubbed my back and said, "Ally, it's okay, you're home now." At that moment Consuela began making me my favorite comfort food, chocolate cake. "Dad..." I began, "I'm ready to listen to you now. I'll do what ever it takes to make you happy." My dad stroked my hair and replied, "Good."


Later that night my mum returned home from a dinner with Mia's mother. She saw me sitting on the kitchen bench eating Consuela's cake. "Alexandra?" She asked with confusion. "Hi mum..." I akwardly spoke, "Things didn't work out with Harry... he cheated on my with an itty, bitty, blonde model, and it's over for real now." My mums eyebrows lifted as she swooped me into her arms. "Oh, Alexandra... boys can do horrible things." I embraced my mothers warmth, "I knew this day would come. But honey, you just need to pick yourself up. You're a women now, we can handle these things." She advised.

I smiled up at her, "Thanks mum!" She kissed me on the forehead, "Things will get better, I promise. We'll find someone who won't hurt you anymore. Someone who can promise you a future without pain. Just be patient."


The next morning Ethan and I went to grab some ice cream down near the beach. "There you go, Belgian chocolate with sprinkles and chocolate syrup." Ethan quoted handing me my cup of ice cream. We made our way down to the beach as he devoured his salted caramel ice cream.

"Ahh, Alexandra," He sighed as we slowly walked on the shore of the beach, "You've been through so much." I shook my head in dissapointment, "and this is by far the worst." I interrupted. "But my little sis never gave up. You're still here, you're still standing strong. It might hurt, but you're not completely destroyed." I nodded, "I guess that's true." Ethan licked the rest of his spoon and pointed it at me, "You know what's funny? Dad actually predicted you'd be back."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "He did?" Ethan looked up and tried to remember, "Yeah..." He said, "A few weeks ago at dinner mum said how much she missed you and that she wished you and dad hadn't have had argued before you left. Then dad said, don't worry she'll come back soon." I laughed, "What a coincidence."

Ethan peered over into the distance, "Hey!" He called over, "Hey Chase, Over here!" Chase Parker... after the christmas ball, I'm not sure how I would feel around him. "Hey man," He said as he shook hands with Ethan. "Alexandra," He looked over to me, "How are you?" before he could let me reply he said, "About Christmas..." I interrupted him, "It's fine, I'm starting over, all is forgiven and forgotten." He smiled as I smiled back at him. "Great, I missed your cheeky smile." He punched me in the arm playfully.

"Oh shit," Ethan exclaimed, "I better get going. I have an interview at a law firm today." Ethan gave me a quick hug and whispered into my ear, "Don't worry, you'll be okay." I smiled, "See you later." I said. "Bye, Chase!" Ethan called out as he jogged up the sand and dissapeared into the crowd of families. "See you tonight." Chase replied.

I gave him a strange look, "Tonight?" I asked. Chase chuckled, "Yes, tonight. There's a surprise for you." He winked then said, "I better go get ready. Want a lift home?" I thought about it for a minute then replied, "No you go ahead. I might stay here a little longer." He smirked and began walking off, "Just give me a call if you change your mind."

I continued walking on the beach until the the sunset. I watched it. Alone and peaceful. I was a mess. My thought process was a blur. Should I have done what I did? Was coming home the right thing to do? Questions that I kept asking myself but never finding the resolution.

Later I finally walked myself home. I opened the door and started taking my black fur coat off and hanging it on the coat hanger. "There she is," My dad's deep and intimidating voice said, "Welcome," He started as people some I knew and some I didn't dressed in fancy clothes and holding a glass of champagne looked, "to your engagement party."

"What?" I said in shock as the people laughed. Chase stepped infront of me in a suit. I felt underdressed in my short yellow skater skirt dress. "My parents and your parents have talked about us for a while now..." He took my hand, "and they've decided you're going to be my bride." I was speechless, words taken out of me, drawn back and emotions rushing through me like a hurricane.

After people congratulated me and chase I walked around the candle lit room and walked passed the banner that read 'Congratulations Alexandra Waldorf and Chase Parker!' towards my dad. "Alexandra, if you don't -" I cut him off, "No dad. I want to and I will go through with this." I took a deep breath after saying what I had just said. I couldn't believe those words actually came out of my mouth. My father smiled a genuine smile at me, "I'm proud of you." He said in admiration, "This marriage will do great things for the family and yourself."

I braced myself for all the compliments and questions from random people who I might have known when I was little but are lost in my memory now. "So when's the wedding?" This lady with a lavander coloured dress and dark brown hair tied into a low bun, asked. "Uh..." I stumbled on this question. "It's next week, Friday." Chase answered for me. She smiled and rubbed my arm, "I'm so happy for you both!" Chase grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him as we both smiled.

"Chase," I started as I pulled him away as soon as the women left., "I'm doing this for my dad. I'm still a little hurt and I need time before I can actually start to have feelings for someone else." Chase gave me a smug smile and leaned in closer to me, "Look, after we get married your dad hands half his busniess to me. I'll be making profit and he'll be happy to know his daughter is in the hands of a man who will carry on his business and run his hotels. After he's out of the picture, I'll give you some of the money and you're free to go." He paused and touched my chin, "Don't be so oblivious Alexandra. You don't actually think I love you, do you?" He then laughed, "Who got an A in drama class in the 7th grade? That's right, I'm only acting." He walked off chugging down the rest of his champagne.

I shook my head and pursed my lips into a thin line. As if things weren't bad enough. I was getting married to someone who doesn't even know the meaning of love. What mattered most to Chase was just money, and what mattered most to my father was his busniess. I guess I didn't matter to anyone.


So I'm updating more now, getting so close to the end of the story and I can't wait for ya'll to read the very last chapter! Anyway, don't forget to vote, tell me what you think in the comments and fan me if you'd like :) Love yous!

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