Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Harry's Pov

"I'm sorry Mr. Waldorf, but no amount of money will make me give up, Ally." He put away his check book and nodded, "Very well then. You want her to be happy right?" I nodded slowly, curious as to where he was going at. "What if I told you, she is to be engaged to Chase Parker on her twenty-frist birthday?" He paused for a minute, but did not wait for me to reply, "Chase, not only has an alliance with our family, but he is also the perfect boy for Alexandra. He will always be there for her, not having to go around on tours and doing concerts, he has all the manners a wealthy boy should, and he has money."

"I will always be there for Ally, and I too make money, sir." I replied sharply. He seemed to ignore my response and ran his fingers along the golden rims of the chair. "Alexandra, will be a proper women. That is how we raised her to be. She will settle down, not go all around the world, from hotel to hotel. She will have her own house, or if not, apartment. She cannot cope with the outside world, though she acts to be tough, she's really tender inside. She is used to having things there for her, clean things, and despite the fact you do make money, you can not, however provide the essentials she deserves." I thought long and hard about his words. They seemed to have an effect on me, one of which I could no surpass. Chase did sound like the perfect boy for, Ally. "Nothing you say or do will change the way I feel for her. So, I won't tell Ally about this talk, but bring it up again and I will explain everything." I gave him a steady look, "I'm sure she won't be happy that her father was trying to jeopardize her happy relationship."

Allys father looked at me emotionlessly, but he had that glint in his eyes, of which met mine and spoke, I will not be defeated. I stood there awkwardly, waiting to see if he had anything else to say. He nodded, "Good night, Harry." He walked off. I watched his broad shoulders, slim body, and dark hair, disappear up stairs. He was a well suited man, and I knew he'd only want the best for his daughter.

Ally's Pov

"You took your time." I nagged as Harry finally came out. "Uh, yeah, sorry, I couldn't find it." Harry explained, "Funny though, it was right in front of me." I laughed and took hold of his hand. He flinched away from my hand, and he too looked shocked at his actions. "I-I'm sorry," He stuttured, "I don't know what came over me." He quickly took my hand and held it. "Are you okay. Did my family scare you that much?" I asked. He didn't look at me as he replied, "Yes. I'm fine." He paused for a long moment, "Just... tired."

When we got to his hotel everyone was asleep. We crept quietly to his room. I went into the bathroom and started to undress. Through the crack of the door, I saw Harry watching me from the bed. I positioned myself so that he could only see my head. At first I didn't know what he wanted, but then he spoke, "I'm sorry." He walked off, letting me change.

I came out in my pyjamas. Harry was in bed watching television. I crawled onto his bed and layed beside him. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. He turned his head to face me, "Talk about what?" I shook my head, "Don't act like you don't know," I softly touched his cheek, "You've been acting strange. Like you're unhappy about something." He continued to watch t.v, "I don't want to talk. Just kiss me." He pulled me onto him.

We made out. His lips pressing against mine. I was wearing cherry chapstick, and I could taste it, and I know he could taste it too. Slowly, I felt him start to work his way up my silk dressing gown. I stopped his hand and drew away from him.

"I can't do this. Not when you're feeling this way." I got off him and wiped my mouth. He sat up with me and stared at me. "It's just I feel intimidated by your father, okay?" when I didnt reply, he spoke again, "Just, when he asked if we had, had... sex. I didn't know what to say. And it was our first time, and I just wished we had done it more, so he trusts me. You know?" I nodded, "It's okay, Harry. My father is a sweet man at heart."

Harry grabbed my neck and pushed me down. I was on top of him, my legs spread apart inbetween his waist. I bent down and kissed him some more. He placed his hand on my butt and pushed me forward, I fell almost over him. We laughed and I rolled myself over, next to him on the bed. "I love you," he said inbetween laughs. "I love you too," I replied wiping a tear from my eye.

"Will you escort me to the mistletoe ball? I know it sounds stupid, but it's just something I have to go to." I asked. Harry closed his eyes and breathed deeply, "Sure." We fell asleep, dreaming of the day I wouldn't be by Harry's side.


Love you all.

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