Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Harry's Pov

I decided to walk to school this morning. Constance was a great school, and I must say, I loved all the attention I'm getting. I've forgotten what school was like. The amount of attention was amazing, but none from the one girl who's attention would mean the world to me. It was a cold morning, no wind, no sun, just cold.

I saw Mia and Ally sitting on the steps of the state library. As I stared at the beautiful girl I could once call mine, she turned to face me. She gave me a quick look, picked up her bag and made her way down the stairs.

"Are you serious?" I mumbled to myself. This girl was for real, she was going to ignore me forever. I walked up to her and grabbed her by the arm. "Ally, come on." I said as fog came out of my mouth just like smoke. She was holding her hot chocolate and was wearing pink gloves, she had a scarfe wrapped around her neck and she was wearing the school coat. Her cheeks were a light rosie colour and her lips slightly parted.

"What do you want?" Her voice woke me from admiring the winter dressed Ally. "You can't avoid me forever." I replied. She jerked her arms away from my grip and said, "Just watch me." She turned around and walked away. Mia walked down the steps and approached me. "Flirting with the girls at Constance? Really, Harry?" She asked rasing her eye brows. "Mia, it's not like that..." I trailed off, wondering what I was really doing yesterday. I suppose I did go a little too far. "Look Harry, Ally still loves you, no matter how much she will try to deny it. I suggest you don't give up, because somewhere deep down, you'll reach her soft spot. But when you're flirting with other girls, don't expect her to go easy."

Mia's words left my thoughts racing. As she turned the corner I realised I had to go to school. I picked up my walking pace and made my way to Constance. As I entered the gates of the school, I tried not to look so interested as I passed Ally talking with one of the boys. He had dark hair, tipped with blonde-ish, red-ish. She luaghed and deliberately she touched his shoulder.

I saw one of the girls I was with yesterday and decided to make a scene, "Shontell!" I called out, "I missed you last night." Shontell came running into my arms, her blonde hair swaying side to side. We hugged and I lifted her off the ground as she squealed. I looked back to see Ally. She rolled her eyes and walked off.

It was right then, I felt guilty. Why did I try to make her jealous? Why was I doing this to her? She had every right to do it to me, since I did break her heart. "Ally, wait!" I followed her. As I passed the boy she had been talking to, I heard him say to a mate, "Man, Waldorf's a babe. Reckon I could get in?" His friend laughed and replied, "Probably, I mean, she's hot so why not." He laughed back and said, "Reckon I could get her to flash me?" I pulled the fucker by the collar and made it clear to him, "Stay away from her, or else." I let go of him and went to find Ally. Although we weren't together, I still felt the need to protect her.

As I got almost a block away from the school, the bell rang. I looked back. I couldn't miss school, I'd get kicked out, but I needed to find Ally. "Fuck." I yelled as I made my way back to school. I was so angry, everything made me angry. I missed Ally, and I couldn't hide that feeling anymore. I was always happy around her. She had an aroma, that made you feel comfortable, and her smile, her smile could get anyone to do anything.

I couldn't concentrate in class. All I could think about was her. I scribbled on the desk her name with a love heart. "Mr. Styles!" The teacher snapped. "Yeah?" I looked up. "Are you listening?" She squinted at me and pushed her glasses up, her wrinkly face turned into a prune. "Yes." I sighed. I never really concentrated in school, I was usually given the title, "The bad boy". But at Constance, it was strict and I needed to keep my spot here.

"Sorry I'm late, Mrs. Lacey." That sweet voice, I recognized it. It was Ally. "It's alright, dear. Find a seat." Mrs. Lacey replied. Well she has a soft spot for Ally, but then again who doesn't? She walked past me and looked away. The only seat left in the class was behind me. Biology wasn't usually my thing, but now I'm starting to enjoy it.


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