chapter 48

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Hi ya'll, I'm back. I missed you guys so much!
I am continuing this book. I've had a great holiday and new year, what about you?
Anyway, Have fun my pretty's!
Chapter 48
Ally's Pov
"What is with you?" I shouted, almost losing my voice. I brushed my hair back with my hands. Harry sat on the bed and rubbed his chin. "Ally, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." He replied. I slammed my hand on the bedside table, "You blew me off. Did you know how embarrassing it was standing alone waiting for someone who wasn't even going to arrive?" I felt tears starting to rise, my vision getting blury.
"Ally," Harry stood up his hands wanting to touch me. "Don't," I hissed, "Instead of going on a river cruise with me, you were at a fashion show." I laughed, "I was stupid to think you would actually chose me over skinny, itty, bitty, models." I let a tear escape. I was more angry than sad.
Harry stared at me bluntly. I shook my head, "Well, did you have fun?" I mocked. Harry was being strange, he wasn't talking much and all he could do was stare. It was like, he wasn't even there.
"Zayn buys Mia a gorgoues ring, and you can't even show up for a one night cruise with me." I began, "Say something!" I shouted. Harry looked at me slowly, "What do you want, I'll buy it for you?" He spoke, a flat tone in his voice.
"I don't want you to buy me anything, all I need is you, and you couldn't even give me that." I furrowed my eyebrows. His mouth hung open as he stared openly at my direction. "I really love you." He said.
"God, Harry. I love you so much that it hurts. But why? Why do you send me mixed emotions?" My voice husky and soft.
I reached over to touch his face but he jerked away, "Please," He let out, "I need some time to think."
Am I the only one confused here? I mean, what just happened? Harry walked down the stairs, grabbed his coat and was gone.
Harry's Pov
Holy fuck. I panicked as I made my way out of our hotel. I walked down to the beach and sat as close to the ocean as I can. I let the waves just brush by feet. I looked out to the horizon and then up at the moon. It reminded me of Ally's eyes, how bright they shine even in the midst of darkness.
I got my phone out of my pocket and texted Louis.
*10 minutes later*
"I got your text, is everything okay?" Louis said as he sat next to me. I breathed heavily, then let out a sigh, "I've screwed up bad, Lou." I said looking down. "What are you talking about?" He replied.
"I've fucked things up bad, and I can't find the corouge to tell Ally." I mummbled. Louis' voice rose, "What did you do?"
I turned to face Louis, my hands shaking, I couldn't believe what I had done. Louis' eyes stared into mine, eager to know.
I shook my head, "I slept with fucking a model."

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