Chapter 46

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So it's beeeeeeeen ages! I'm so so sorrrry, I totally forgot about the book, I had things going on and my life was crazy. But now that I'm back on track, I hope you beautiful people are too <3
Chapter 46
Ally's Pov
The tour bus finally took us to a pent house of one of the best hotel's in the world. Since One Direction was having their concert here, we had to stay for a while. As I got out of the bus, paparazzi and fans were already lined up awaiting our arival. "I didn't even get time to do my hair!" Mia whispered to me as we both laughed. Mia and Zayn got out of the bus first and were greeted by many of the welcoming fans, followed by Harry and I. I told myself to never let fame get the best of me. As Harry went to sign some posters, pictures and anything really, I went near one of the security guards pushing the girls back, making sure they don't jump on any of the boys.
Niall came up to me and spoke, "This girl, is a huge fan of yours!" He grabbed my hand and lead me to the six year old girl who had a picture of me and Harry, taken by the paparazzi. She screamed as I approached, "Please! Please! Sign my poster!" I couldn't resist her little orange freckles that sat perfectly on her skin, or her cute pig tails that hung off the sides of her head. "Sure, sweetie." I replied as I signed my name.
After a while of meet and greet, we all entered the hotel. Harry started grabbing my ass as we stood at the reception table as Paul, the manager, discussed and readied our room. I laughed hysterically and hit him on his abs, his totally perfect, stiff abs. "Harry! The fans are still outside." I screamed in laughter. "So what?" He replied laughing aswell. His hand cupped my bum cheek as I tried to move away, but he just grabbed me by the arm and we started to play fight.
At that moment, I felt in love. More in love than ever before. I felt free. "You know we always grab Harry's bum when he sings his solo in what makes you beuatiful." Louis said as he scrolled down on his phone. "And yet, I've never screwed up." Harry replied. He was sitting on me as I was on the floor with my back to the ground. "Harry, get off me!" I squealed. "Not until you say, Harry is the hottest and I love his sexy bottom." I laughed even harder and tried to push him off me, but he just pinned both my arms to th ground. "Fine!" I said in defeat. "Harry is the hottest and I love his sexy bottom!" I yelled. He then got off me and I ran to Mia.
"What are you doing?" I asked her. I'm waiting for Zayn, he said he was going to the bathroom when we got into the hotel, but he's taking a while. Well that was weird, I remember seeing Zayn go outside and walk off with a few security guards. "But Mia, are you sure? I mean, I thought I saw him head outside?" I spoke uncertainly. We both looked around but saw no sign of Zayn. "Well maybe, he went out and came back to go to the toilet?" I suggested. Mia's eyebrows raised as she looked past my shoulder. "Zayn!" She called out, "Where did you go?" Zayn walked towards Mia and I and said, "I told you, I had a head ache and went to get a glass of water from the bar." Mia and I looked at each other with a suspicious look. "No, you told me you needed to go to the bathroom." Mia challanged. "Oh well maybe you heard wrong. Ally, Harry was looking for you." Zayn replied and the topic was changed vastly.
I knew Mia too well, she trusts Zayn and so do I. But I knew he lied, I specifically saw him go out of the hotel. But Mia's not all so worried, she knows he would never do anything to hurt her. Would he?

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