Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ally's Pov

"Harry, hurry up!" I shouted as I re-applied lipstick for the third time. There was so reply, so I headed up stairs to find him trying to fix his tie. "We're going to be late for the Mistletoe Ball, Harry." He ignored me and struggled with his tie.

This was my first christmas with, Harry, and I was so excited to go to the Mistletoe ball with him. Held only once a year. The rule was you must bring an escort. I always went with Chase Parker the previous years. He's a close friend to the family and someone I trust very much. I helped Harry with his tie. We finally arrived at the destination.

Harry and I weaved our way through the crowd. Christmas decorations were hung everywhere. Christmas music was loud, and everyone was busy talking. I bumped into a fresh smelling boy, and suddenly all the memories came back. He turned around and a smile grew on his face, "Well if it isn't Alexandra Waldorf." He said playfully. "Chase Parker," I teased, "It's good seeing you again." He laughed and hugged me. I let go of Harry's hand, and watched him step back.

"Chase, this is Harry." I introduced. Chase looked at Harry and said, "Hi, Harry. I'm Chase Parker." Harry brought out a hand, "Harry Styles." Chase's eyebrows raised, "Oh, you're from that popular world wide boy band, One Direction." Harry nodded. "Say, how did you manage to get this fine young lady?" I blushed and held Harry's hand again, "I guess I'm just lucky." Harry replied. He kissed me on the lips once. Chase looked away. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Alexandra, and you too Harry."

We then walked to our dining table. It was a table for two. Since it was a ball for couples. Mia's table was sat next to ours, and the other boys were followed along side. "I'm glad you and Zayn could make it." I said, placing the napkin on my lap. Harry did the same. "My mum made me come." Mia said as she crinkled her nose. We started to eat the fresh berries placed in the middle of our table.

"So are you liking it?" I asked Harry. "It's okay. I just don't like Chase." He replied. I rolled my eyes, I knew he would say that, "Harry, there's nothing to be jealous of."

"I'm not jealous, Ally."

"Then why don't you like him? You just met."

"I just - "

Before Harry could finish his sentence, Chase came from behind me and said, "Could I have the first dance?" I looked at Harry who rolled his eyes. "You know what, Chase? Yes, you can have the first dance." I threw my napkin down on the table and followed Chase's lead.

I didn't look back at Harry. He was ruining my night. Christmas was tomorrow, and I thought about how that would be. As Chase placed his hand on my hips, I felt the urge to flinch. I wasn't use to another boy holding me. I wrapped my arms around Chase's neck, and felt like it wasn't right. I wanted to move away from him and find Harry, but I couldn't not now.

I looked back at our table and saw that Harry was gone. His napkin was placed on top of the table too, neatly. I wish I hadn't agreed to dance with Chase. "What's wrong?" Chase asked me as he moved my chin up with his hands. "Nothing," I mumbled back. "Remember all the good times we had?" Chase smirked, "Two years ago, under the mistletoe..." I laughed, but it was a fake laugh, "Yeah," He awkwardly added, "We almost kissed." My smile was gone, just as quick as it came, "Chase, don't bring that up. I have a boyfriend." Chase looked away embarrassed, "I know, I'm sorry."

After the christmas song had finished, Chase asked for another dance, but I declined. I had to find Harry. "It was great catching up." I said, "But please excuse me, I have to find Harry." I let go of Chase's hand. I could feel his grip getting tighter the further I pulled away. I walked around the hotel looking for Harry, but I couldn't find him. Suddenly Chase called out to me, "Alexandra!" I turned around, "Harry's drunk." I ran towards Chase, "Where is he?" Chase motioned me to follow him.

We went upstairs to the bar and resturant. Chase lead me to a room, it was so far from the party that the music was faint. In the room it was dark, and empty. It was a hotel room, unoccupied. "Come here." Chase whispered in the dark. I was starting to feel uneasy, "Chase, Harry wouldn't be here. No one's here." I knew something was up, but then it was too late. Chase grabbed me by the arm and threw me onto the bed. "Chase! What are you doing?" I screamed. He came on top of me, and held me down. "I couldn't stop thinking about you," He whispered, his jaws were tight, "I love you, I always have, and I always will." I continued to struggle, "Chase, no! Please, don't. I'm sorry, but I love Harry." I stopped struggling for a moment, "Don't do this to me." Chase almost seemed sorry, "I can't."

In the dark he tried to undo my bow dress. It was a short, black dress, with one strap, which a large bow was holding together. He tried to rip it off, as I tried to push him off me. I didn't know what to do. Without thinking I quickly kissed him. When his face was near mine as he tried to undo the bow, I leaned up and kissed him again. He drew back with shock, and his grip on my arms loosened. I looked into his eyes, faintly seeing a glint of light. I slowly got out of his grip, but I could tell he was still on guard. My hands moved towards his neck, as I pulled him in and kissed him again. I didn't want to, but I had to. I kissed him as far away as possible. Our lips almost, not touching.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, and I felt his body un stiffen. "Because," I started, "I have to." It was then my que to get away. I pushed him off me and tried to run. He grabbed me by the strap, and I felt it come undone. "Help!" I screamed, trying to hold my dress together. Chase was drunk. I should have known. He was good at acting sober, while he was drunk. Two years ago, he tricked me, in the same way, but he tricked me into getting drunk with him. "Come on, Alexandra, I know you want this." he spoke loudly. The door burst open, and I was glad to see Harry.

He ran vastly towards Chase. "Get your hands off my girl." Without hesitation, Harry's fist swung into Chase's cheek. Chase laughed and fell on the bed, "Go on, punch me again." I heard Harry breathe angrily, as his fist was raised into the air, ready for another hit. I grabbed his hand from behind, "Don't," I pleaded, "That's enough. He's drunk." Harry released his hand and looked back at me.

He grabbed my hand and walked me out. I held my dress, trying not to draw attention to myself. He lead me outside. The hotel was beaming with light, and the stars were so bright. Harry and I sat underneath a fountain outside. "I'm sorry." he beagn, "I shouldn't have been mad earlier." I placed my hand on his leg, "No. I should be sorry. I shouldn't have danced with Chase, I should have danced with you." I replied. Harry shook his head, "If I wasn't acting the way I was, you wouldn't have went with Chase, and none of this would have happened." I couldn't argue with Harry. "Do you still love me?" I asked. "Always." he replied.

Harry and I kissed. We practically made out, under a fountain with the night skye full of bright stars, on Christmas Eve.


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