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She gazed across the lacquered tiles and, with a sudden burst of courage that she hadn't known she'd possessed, stepped onto the dance floor. As the thrumming rhythm of classical music whispered into her ears, she began to dance.

Sliding her right foot back and the other one forward. She threw her arms out and waved them from side to side, perfectly in tune with the beat, before jumping into the air for a moment it felt like she was flying ... then the ground was beneath her again.

She was coated with sweat and exhausted, but she wouldn't stop until she beat the fury out of her. Keeping her steps synchronised with the music just brightens her mood and reduces her anxiety and panic attacks. Lately, Twice has been so busy with their latest comeback and fan meetings, which has begun to create a sudden episode of intense fear in her life. Sometimes she can be very frightening, losing control of everything and letting out sudden bursts of tears.

"Mina yaa!!! Why are you still here? We have been told about the meeting, you know. " She was so loud, her high-pitched voice echoed throughout the whole room. It is no wonder why she has been called as mic-Jihyo.

The dancer now stops whatever she's doing knowing that her leader found out she's here alone. She turned off the music and looked at Jihyo with a little gummy smile plastered on her face that could lure Jihyo's heart.

"Don't smile like that," Jihyo shyly said to Mina, because no one could resist a sudden Mina's gummy smile without a stirred feeling.  "Let's go. The meeting will start soon, Mina yaa." Jihyo encouraged Mina to attend this meeting since she wanted Mina to try to overcome her fear of meeting people. Mina has been wanting to be alone and get treatment for months now, but nothing has changed; she is still living in the loneliest time. "Let's go to Mina ya. Don't worry, okay? I'm here." Her voice is very appealing to Mina.


Seeing that Jihyo gave me her hand to hold just really makes me feel bad. I know that my members tried their best to help me overcome my fear.

"It's okay if you are not ready yet, I understand." Jihyo shows me her sweetest smile while patting my shoulder before she turns her heels and slowly steps away from me.

"Just wait a minute, I will go change first," I said to Jihyo in sotto voce, but it's clear enough for Jihyo when she turns her face back to me with a giggle of happiness.

Now I'm hesitantly walking beside Jihyo, heading to the meeting room. I just kept my head down until Jihyo snaked her arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'm here with you." Jihyo really understands what I feel right now. She has been a really good leader since we debuted years ago. She knows how to handle things and she always puts other members first before herself, which really makes us proud to have her in Twice.

There are six of us which are me, Nayeon unnie, Jeongyeon unnie, Jihyo, Momo and Dahyun. Being Twice is not easy because we have been through too many obstacles. We once struggled as trainees, trying hard to survive and working harder. We have been loved and hated. We give love and are loved. We all have our ups and downs. However, one thing that makes us stick together is that we are just like true siblings who are always supportive and loving each other. And the only thing that we were precious about was our fans, called Once.

"Where are the other members anyway?" I was scanning the hallway but couldn't spot my members instead of JYP's staff that were passing by us.

"They're waiting for us in the meeting room." Jihyo couldn't take her gaze away from me, making me a little uneasy.

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