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The dinner continued with a laughter and teasing as Twice and Somi caught up on each other's lives. The air was filled with familiarity, considering they were all part of the JYP Entertainment family.

Twice, being the playful bunch they were, seized the opportunity to tease Chaeyoung whenever possible. Every compliment to Somi was subtly redirected to the unsuspecting Chaeyoung.

"Oh, Chaeyoung, you're so good at cooking! I bet you could win a cooking show," Nayeon remarked, causing the others to chuckle.

"Yeah, maybe we should sign you up for 'Chef Chaeyoung,'" Jeongyeon added, enjoying Chaeyoung's flushed reaction.

Chaeyoung, not one to be easily flustered, took it in stride. "Well, I do my best."

Somi, enjoying the banter, joined in. "And Mina, how's the food Chaeyoung cooks for you every day?"

Mina, caught off guard by Somi's question, managed a smile. "It's... delicious."

The conversations flowed smoothly, punctuated by playful banter. However, the atmosphere shifted when, in the midst of laughter, Somi accidentally spilled her drink on her shirt.

"Oops!" she exclaimed, looking down at the stain spreading on her blouse.

In a surprising move, Chaeyoung swiftly grabbed a napkin and, without hesitation, dabbed at the stain on Somi's shirt. The gesture, intended to be helpful, sent a wave of discomfort through Mina.

Twice exchanged glances. Jihyo, sensing the change in dynamics, attempted to steer the conversation away from potential awkwardness.

"So, Somi, tell us about your recent projects. We heard you're working on something exciting," Jihyo redirected the conversation, giving Mina a subtle glance to check if she was okay.

As Somi shared details about her projects, Chaeyoung discreetly stole glances at Mina, sensing her unease. Mina, on the other hand, engaging in the conversation but unable to shake off the shadow of jealousy.

After hours, the dinner ended, leaving a lingering tension in the air. As Somi and Twice bid their goodbyes, Chaeyoung couldn't help but notice Mina seemed quieter than usual.

"Everything okay, Mina?" Chaeyoung asked, his voice gentle, hoping to address the growing distance.

Mina, however, offered a nonchalant response, "Yeah, everything's fine."

"Are you sure everything's fine?" Chaeyoung finally asked, unable to bear the tension any longer.

Mina's cold shoulder intensified. "Why wouldn't it be? You invited Somi without telling me."

Chaeyoung, realizing the source of Mina's frustration, attempted to explain, "I thought you will be fine with it. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Well, surprisingly, it upset me," Mina retorted, her words edged with frustration.

The tension thickened as they entered the living room. Each step seemed to echo the unresolved conflict between them.

"Is this really about Somi or something else that upsetting you?" Chaeyoung probed, trying to unravel the layers of Mina's discontent.

"Why don't you figure it out?" Mina snapped back, her frustration reaching a boiling point.

The bickering intensified, each word a sharp arrow in the volley of their argument. Chaeyoung attempted to founf out the cause of Mina's anger, but her guarded responses made it a challenging task.

"I can't figure it out if you won't tell me," Chaeyoung finally expressed his frustration.

"Why do you even care?" Mina shot back, her eyes reflecting a mix of anger and hurt.

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