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In the intimate silence that followed, Chaeyoung pulled away from the kiss, his eyes seeking permission from Mina. Her nod served as an unspoken affirmation, and with that, Chaeyoung's lips found a new canvas on Mina's neck, his warm lips grazed her skin.

"Chaeyoung....."Mina couldn't help but shiver in response.

Chaeyoung's kisses on her neck carried a mixture of tenderness and a subtle hint of desire. Mina's fingers trailed along his hair, entwining with the strands as she relished in the sensation.

In a surge of spontaneity, Mina found herself taking off Chaeyoung's shirt, revealing the contours of his chest. Chaeyoung reciprocated, his fingers tracing the curves of Mina's body as his hand slid into her shirt, the warmth of his touch sending a wave of anticipation through her.

"Are you okay with this" Chaeyoung muffled near Mina's ear and he gained a nods from her.

Their words exchanged in hushed whispers, a symphony of desires and declarations that filled the air. Chaeyoung's lips ventured lower, kissing Mina's chest, his hands exploring further, discovering the softness of her skin as he took off Mina's shirt.

Mina, lost in the intoxication of the moment, responded with equal fervor. Her fingers guided Chaeyoung's exploration, and soon, their shirts were discarded, leaving them both exposed to the warmth and vulnerability of each other.

Chaeyoung's hands traced a path, his touch both gentle and deliberate. As his hand groping her breast covered by her bra. Mina's breath caught in the anticipation of what lay ahead "Chaeng....please"

Chaeyoung's touch, sure and confident, found its destination, eliciting a soft gasp from Mina.

Chaeyoung skillfully unclasped Mina's bra, revealing her in the soft glow of the room. As her delicate form was exposed, Chaeyoung couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, appreciating the vulnerability and trust she placed in him.

In the intimate silence that followed, Chaeyoung's eyes traced the contours of Mina's body, captivated by the delicate details that made her uniquely beautiful. He spoke softly, his words carrying a weight of sincerity that made Mina blush in response.

"You're breathtaking, Mina. In every moment, in every form, you're the most beautiful sight," Chaeyoung confessed, his words a genuine reflection of the emotions he felt. As Mina's cheeks turned rosy, the room seemed to hold its breath, suspended in the tender intimacy they shared.

His fingers trace delicate patterns around her nipples, gauging her body's response. He senses a slight tenseness, a mixture of excitement and curiosity. With a soft exhale, he leans in, gently capturing one of her nipples with his mouth.

As he teases with his mouth, Mina expresses how his touch sends shivers down her spine, admitting, "It's a curious sensation, but it feels... really nice Chaeyoungaaa"

Chaeyoung, captivated by her response, continues to navigate this intimate exploration.  Chaeyoung's mouth didn't leave her nipples, but his hand roamed her lower body. With a gentle move, he slid his hand into Mina's shorts.

"Hmphh Chaeng...." Mina gaps, and her breath is hitching.

He ventured deeper, and his hands perfectly landed on a wet Mina's crown. "I feel something wet down there," he said, teasing Mina.

Her face blushed pink now. "Shut up now....Son Chaeyoung"

Chaeyoung giggles, looking at the cute, shy penguin. "Look at me, Mina..." Chaeyoung whispers to her as she keeps closing her eyes due to the sensations Chaeyoung gives her down there.

She opened her eyes slightly and gave a sly smile to Chaeyoung. The air in the room thickens with a mixture of anticipation and desire. Mina's flushed face and the subtle play of her teeth on her lower lip reveal the intensity of the moment. She couldn't help but bite her lower lips just to not make any sounds.

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