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In the tranquility of their shared days, Mina found solace and strength. Her relationship with Chaeyoung is over a month now and have been blossomed into a source of comfort, helping her regain confidence and overcome anxiety. Chaeyoung, a beacon of gentleness and love, took care of her in countless ways everday, ensuring her well-being. From soothing words to small gestures, he became the most caring presence in her life.

Together, they crafted a haven where Mina could navigate the storms of her mind with newfound resilience and joy. Each day brought them closer, the simplicity of their love weaving a tapestry of serenity and healing.


The sun painted Mina's room with a warm glow as she and Chaeyoung continued their slumber after a late-night date. Unbeknownst to them, the members of Twice, returning from Paris Fashion Week, planned a them visit. Excitement fueled their anticipation as they rang the bell, but no response echoed through the penthouse.

Jihyo, with her familiarity with Chaeyoung's habits, decided to use the door code Chaeyoung told her and she had known it for ages. As they explored the spacious penthouse, their quest for Mina and Chaeyoung led them to Mina's bedroom, where the unexpected sight awaited them.

Mina and Chaeyoung lay entwined, peacefully asleep. The shock registered on the faces of the Twice members, and the room became a battleground of puzzled expressions. They exchanged glances, their eyes silently asking, "Did we miss something here?"

Jihyo, ever the leader, took the lead in breaking the awkward silence. "Well, this is a new development," she quipped, trying to add a humorous touch to the situation.

Jeongyeon joined in, "I thought we were here for Mina, but it seems we've stumbled upon a double feature."

Nayeon, with a mischievous grin, teased, "Should we get them matching pajamas for our next gift?"

Momo, with wide eyes, expressed her disbelief, "Wait, are they...?"

Dahyun, adding to the humor, exclaimed, "Our ice princess has warmed up to someone, and it's not Olaf!"

Laughter filled the room, dispelling any initial tension. The revelation of Mina and Chaeyoung's relationship was met with good-natured banter. The members couldn't help but marvel at how their usually reserved Mina had found love, especially with someone as unexpected as Chaeyoung.

The Twice members the head down to the living room, not wanting to disturb the peaceful scene, decided to let them rest a little longer.

As they waited, the atmosphere in the living room was light and filled with the chatter of them. The air was fragrant with the aroma of snacks they had brought over. Laughter and conversation seamlessly intertwined as the members shared stories from Paris Fashion Week.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Mina began to stir. Chaeyoung, still half-asleep, tightened his embrace around her. His eyes fluttered open to see the room bathed in sunlight, and he realized that the day had begun.

Chaeyoung, with his messy morning hair, emerged from the bedroom, blinking against the bright light. The initial shock of finding a living room full of people hit him like a tidal wave.

His gaze shifted from one member to another, the realization dawning on him. His casual morning routine had been transformed into a nightmare now. Stumbling over his own feet, he attempted to act nonchalant, but the nervous flicker in his eyes betrayed him.

Jihyo, with a smirk, was the first to address him. "Chaeyoung, you look like you've seen a ghost. Did you forget you invited us over?"

Chaeyoung, trying to recover, stammered, "I, uh, didn't expect everyone to be here so early."

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