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The coffee shop nestled in the small town exuded a serene charm, its cozy ambiance inviting patrons to linger and unwind. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of pastries and baked goods. Soft jazz music played in the background, adding to the relaxed atmosphere.

Chaeyoung and Bambam sat across from each other at a quaint wooden table, the polished surface reflecting the soft glow of the overhead lights. They exchanged uncasual looked as they waited for the waiter to brings their drinks.

Their attention was soon drawn to a girl with vibrant red hair, clad in a simple apron, as she approached their table with a warm smile. "Enjoy your drinks gentlemen" the waiter uttered to both of them as she placed a tray with two drinks on the table. "Thank you" Chaeyoung showed his manner to the waitress.

Back to the parking lot event just now. Before they settled in the coffee shop, Bambam suggested grabbing some coffee with Chaeyoung because he said he knew what Chaeyoung was going through right now. Besides, he suggested maybe some coffee can cool down their heated 'friendship' and unwind Chaeyoung from the stress of the day .

At first, Chaeyoung hesitated, his mind still enduring the weight of their cold interaction, especially when both of them are loving the same person. However, Bambam's persuasive words and genuine concern eventually persuaded him to agree to the coffee outing. Reluctantly but appreciatively, Chaeyoung followed Bambam to the nearby coffee shop.

"So what's the thing, actually? I know you aren't asking me for just a coffee, right?" Chaeyoung could sense that there must be another unfolding reason why Bambam wanted Chaeyoung to come with him. Chaeyoung eyes were sternly looking at the man sitting across him.

"Wow, Chaeyoung... don't give me that look.  Can you just relax and take a sip of your drink first?" Bambam chuckled while sucked his drink using a straw. 

Chaeyoung just smiled bitterly and started to drink the coffee. Bambam began small talk while his eyes never leave Chaeyoung, observing every movement Chaeyoung made. As Bambam talks started to get no point, Chaeyoung wanted to ask Bambam to go straight to the point, but suddenly... he started messaging his dizzy temple, his head spinning, and within a second, his world collapsed, filled with only a pitch black view.

It is past midnight already, the living room of the Twice dorm is still alive with warmth and laughter, Despite the late hour, the members were still lively chatting and exchanging jokes, their voices filling the air with a sense of joy.

As the night stretched on, Mina found herself unable to shake the worry that tugged at her heart. Despite the lively banter and laughter that filled the living room, her mind kept drifting back to Chaeyoung's absence especially when he promised her to come back early today.

Her attempts to push away her worries and assumptions about Chaeyoung were failed, as the image of Chaeyoung's slowly changing these days, how busy he was lately, and the secret phone call between Chaeyoung and another girl today burning the flame in her mind even bigger. As the minutes turned into hours, there was still no sign of him, not even a fleeting shadow passing by the window.

The clock in Twice dorm now ticked at 2 in the morning when the sudden knock at the door pierced through the late-night chatter, instantly silencing the room. The members exchanged puzzled glances, their curiosity increase by the unexpected interruption at such an hour.

Without any hesitation, Mina just hope that it will be Chaeyoung behind the door and rushly took her steps to the front door followed by her members behind her. As she opened the door ajar, the pungent smells of alcohol run into her nose. Drunk Chaeyoung emerged behind the door. He is half awake, his hair messy, his shirt dishevelled, and his upper button is undone, showing some purple reddish spots on his neck.

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