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Everyone's attention is now on that man, who appears little nervous and shivering . He took a really full cycle of breathing, his chest going up and down a few times until he found his pace. He's sharp witted enough to know that deep breathing works quickly, and it can be done at any time and any place when he feels nervous.

He stood at the podium and his muscular hand grabbed the microphone before he starts giving his unprepared speech. He subtly look around, his twinkling black eyes takes a chance to examine the surroundings just to adapt to the situation, but of course, the flood of flash that comes from the camera literally disturbs his vision.

"Hello and very good evening everyone," His mannerly voice is discovering everyone's ears now. He gulps his salive before continuing to talk. Of course, he can feel the heat that is coming from the nervousness hitting his figure, but he still looks so cool as he can hide those feelings.

"Let me properly introduce myself first. My name is Ssson....." He suddenly paused for a while, looking for the right words to say and every eyes in the room is now looking at him passionately. "I'm sorry, I guess that I'm a little bit nervous" he chukled a bit before continue "My name is Justine Park. It's nice to meet you guys here. Today i'm officially will be the new vice president of JYP and please look after me" he bowed to everyone in that room. 


""JUSTINE PARK???!!!!!" Nayeon Unnie suddenly yelled the man's name, which startled me. Her lips curled into a big smile, showing her cute bunny teeth. She slapped and shaked Momo's shoulder a few times while her eyes were glued to the figure on stage.

Momo almost sprung up by the unexpected movement, "Unnie, what's wrong with you? Can you act like a normal human just for a while? " Momo is whining while holding one of Nayeon's arms to calm her down before giving a small, soft slap on her face. "Calm down, calm down." She makes a gesture of taking a breath.

"UNNIE!!" Jihyo dropped her jaw then covered her mouth with her left palm while another hand tried to reach Nayeon Unnie.

"Jihyo yaa!!! You heard that too?" Nayeon's enchanting eyes are now busy looking at Jihyo, taking out her arms to hold Jihyo's. Jihyo nods, and their intertwined hands are now in front of me and Momo's face. We were awkwardly stuck in the middle of the two weird women.

"Yaaa, what's wrong with you two?" Momo growled, felt distracted by their arms, and tried to split them. I just shook my head looking at them, and I clearly saw Nayeon Unnie didn't leave her warm smile towards the guy. Meanwhile, Dahyun and Jeongyeon didn't look bothered by them.

"Mr. Justine, I have a question to ask." The situation here now is ear-splitting enough. The reporter was busy coming to the front, blocking the view and striking a lot of questions at him. "As we know that we are not familiar with you yet and this is our first time meeting you, mind to tell us your background or your personal life"

He cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, but I don't talk about my personal life. Next question, please?" His answer indeed leaves us in an uncertain and confusing phase. A small talk among everyone is audible enough for me. It sounds like they are arguing about his answer.

"Mr. Justine, would you mind taking off your face mask and shades so we can take a clear picture of your face?"

I sensed that he looked so distracted and uncomfortable with that question when he took a long gasped before answering. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that." He was sharp in his remarks, but still had a manner of speaking. What's wrong with this guy, actually? I guess he defined strangeness and misterial as well.

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