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A footstep thundered down rushingly along the hallway as Chaeyoung was heading to the information room that keeps medical records for the idols in JYPe. The idols always have their checkups at the health department in JYPe at least twice a month, and their health will be recorded and saved by the health officer. He opened the door of the room ajar, and his eyes couldn't stop roaming at the shelves that were arranged in the room. Right on each shelf, it was marked and tagged for which groups, staffs, and also the management team.

After a few minutes of playing treasure hunter, Chaeyoung's eyes then halted at the shelf in the corner of the room. He took a deep breath before taking out the file in the middle of the other files. It was Mina's medical record file, with Mina's name and picture on the cover page. He carefully opened it, sliding the pages one by one until his orbs suddenly got bigger.

'Severe anxiety attack since 5 months ago ? Last check up was 2 months ago by Doctor Myoui Akira??' Chaeyoung bit his lower lips and closed his eyes tightly as he tried to digest what he read.

He continues reading some other parts and finds out that now Mina wasn't under the care of her doctor anymore, which is his own father. For the last two months, she has shown a good improvement and has a tendency to make a full recovery from her anxiety. That's why she stopped her treatment and see her dad just in case she felt she wanted to. But there's only one question running around Chaeyoung's mind, how did her dad take Mina's case while Mina was treated under JYP's health department.

It was actually Mr. Myoui himself who offered to take care of Mina when he heard that his precious daughter was having an anxiety attack. He thought that this was the time for him to take care of his daughter because, all this time, they were apart when Mina stayed in Korea and started her career here. They barely spend time together, and even when Mina got a leave and went back to Japan, her dad rarely was at home because he was busy managing their hospital, teaching as an lecturer and treating the patients. So Mr. Myoui thinks maybe that time he could kill two birds with one stone as they could spend more time together and he can treat Mina at the same time.

Back to Chaeyoung, his black round eyes keep roaming over Mina's file, her chart and her last progress.

'Her progress is pretty good, actually, but why did her anxiety come back? What triggered her?' Chaeyoung took a full breath while closing the files and clenching onto them tightly. He brings the files together with him and sways his leg, leaving the room.

Chaeyoung slips out his phone from his pocket and looks for a number before bringing the phone up to his right ear. He waited for the person on the other side to answer his call. His heart is beating like it will jump out from his rib cage.

"Hello Doctor Myoui... It's me, Son Chaeyoung"


The sound of people talking is ear splitting. It was so loud but it's unclear to be heard, like there are multiple musics playing at the same time in her ears. She heavily opened her eyes, her blurry vision slowly fading away and now everything was clear to her. She gained her consciousness again like she was awake from a deep sleep.

"Uhhh, Mina- yaa, you awake? Are you okay?" Nayeon, who sits on the visitor's chair beside the infirmary bed where Mina was laying, notices that the penguin has now woken up from her blackout.

Other members now are giving their attention to Mina once they heard what Nayeon just said.

Mina gulped her bitter saliva and tried to compose herself. "I'm sorry... " She said in with her deep hoarse voice.

"Hey, nothing to be sorry about, Mina-yaa." Nayeon holds Mina's cold hand tightly and tries to give reassurances that Mina did nothing wrong.

"We are the ones who shouldn't try hard to bring you along when you are not ready. It's our fault in the beginning and there's none of yours. We should be more sensitive and concerned about you. We are sorry, Mina-yaa". Jihyo spoke up while holding back her tears, not trying to lose herself in front of other members, otherwise, there would be a flood of tears from her members.

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