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Chaeyoung arrived home with a heavy heart, feeling the weight of the world bearing down on him. Releasing a deep, weary sigh, he massaged his temples as he sank onto the sofa.

His expression was one of profound misery, his features etched with the burden of his thoughts. Chaeyoung's mind felt heavy, weighed down by the complexities of his emotions and the turmoil of his inner struggles.

Sana's voice echoed through the living room as she approached Chaeyoung. "Chaeng-aa, you're home?" Her concern was palpable as she took in Chaeyoung's appearance.

Chaeyoung shifted his gaze to see Sana now sitting beside him. "Yeah, I'm back," he replied softly.

"Yaa!! What's wrong with your face?" Sana's instinctive reaction was to touch Chaeyoung's swollen face, but her touch was clumsy.

"Ouchh..ouchhh, Sana-yaa!" Chaeyoung muttered, wincing slightly as Sana's touch brushed against the swelling on his face. He pulled away gently, trying to avoid further discomfort.

"Ya!! Sorry..sorry.. does it hurt?" Sana smiled awkwardly, a glint of regret in her eyes as she realized she had caused him pain. "What happened, Chaeyoung-aa?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry as she examined his bruised face.

Chaeyoung chuckled softly at Sana's cluelessness, watching as her eyes widened in confusion, her gaze flitting back and forth in bewilderment.

"Wait here," Chaeyoung instructed gently before rising from his seat and making his way to the kitchen. He rummaged through the fridge and retrieved some ice packs before returning to Sana's side.

Chaeyoung winced slightly as he pressed the ice pack against his bruise, trying to alleviate the pain. "Sana-yaa, have you eaten dinner?" he attempted to change the topic, hoping to avoid discussing his injury.

However, Sana gently took the ice pack from Chaeyoung's hand and began applying it to his bruised face. "Pabo yaa! Don't change the topic, Tell me what happened," she insisted, her voice filled with concern as she continued to press the ice pack against his injury with a gentle touch.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but be amused by Sana's reaction. "Not a big deal, I just had some fight with... Bambam," he said playfully, trying to downplay the situation.

Sana's surprise was evident as she exclaimed, "Yaa!!! Not a big deal you said?" Her annoyance unintentionally led her to press harder on Chaeyoung's bruise.

"Yaa..yaaaa, Sana-yaa... stop...ssstop," Chaeyoung pleaded, flinching as he tried to halt Sana's pressing.

Sana immediately stopped pressing and looked at Chaeyoung, who was avoiding her gaze. "Yaa... sorry sorry," she apologized. "But it's your fault taking things unserious," she added, her tone still tinged with annoyance.

Chaeyoung chuckled again at Sana's comment. "It's normal for a guy to fight, right?" he said proudly, continuing to care for his face.

Sana couldn't resist teasing him further. "And then why are you winced like a girl now?" she joked, enjoying Chaeyoung's playful discomfort.

Sana kept things straight, her tone gentle yet concerned. "Why did you fight with him? What did he do to you now?" she asked Chaeyoung, her empathy evident in her voice.

As Chaeyoung's friend, Sana was genuinely concerned about his problems with Bambam and Mina. She was aware of how Bambam had caused trouble in Chaeyoung's relationship with Mina. Despite advising Chaeyoung to mend things with Mina, Chaeyoung's response was always the same: "What's done is done." However, Sana's concern for her friend never wavered, and she continued to offer her support and advice whenever needed.

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