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As the days passed and turned into weeks, the news of Tzuyu's plane crash spreaded across South Korea, spreading like wildfire through the media and the hearts of korean citizens. Somehow his body remained undiscovered, leaving his loved ones in a state of lingering uncertainty and anguish.

Chaeyoung devoted himself wholeheartedly to the search for Tzuyu during this month of uncertainty. He put aside all his work commitments at the company, prioritizing the quest to find his best friend and support Sana in her time of need. Every spare moment was dedicated to coordinating search efforts, collaborate with authorities, and reaching out to contacts in a relentless pursuit of answers.

Despite the emotional toll and the weight of uncertainty, Chaeyoung remained steady in his determination, driven by a deep sense of loyalty and love for Tzuyu. He organized search parties, mobilized resources, and lent his unwavering support to Sana, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear amidst the chaos.


Chaeyoung gently called out to Sana, his hand resting comfortingly on her shoulder as they prepared to attend Tzuyu's funeral. Even Tzuyu's body is still yet to be found, but Tzuyu's parents insist on making the funeral for him because they can't wait any longer, which causes them more pain.

"Sana-yaa, are you ready?" he asked softly, his own emotions weighing heavily on him. As they were about to leave, Sana's response revealed the depth of her anguish.

"Chaeng, I can't do this," she whispered, her voice trembling with grief and uncertainty.

Chaeyoung's heart sank at Sana's words, but he knew he had to be strong for her. With a tender gaze, he gently squeezed her shoulder, offering whatever comfort he could muster.

"We'll get through this together, Sana," he murmured, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "I'll be right here by your side every step of the way."

As Chaeyoung spoke, he felt a wave of determination wash over him. Despite the pain and uncertainty, he knew he needed to be there for Sana, to support her through this unimaginably difficult time.

"Come" Taking Sana's hand in his, Chaeyoung offered her a reassuring smile, silently promising to stay strong for her sake.

Jihyo called out for Mina, her tone urgent yet filled with empathy. "Mina-yaa, faster! We're going to be late now," she urged, understanding the importance of attending the funeral to show support for Chaeyoung and to honor Tzuyu as her fan.

Meanwhile, Mina's thoughts were consumed by Chaeyoung as she prepared to accompany Jihyo. She couldn't shake the memory of their last encounter, and knowing Tzuyu was Chaeyoung's best friend only deepened her concern. Despite her efforts to reach out Chaeyoung over the past month, their communication had been nonexistent, leaving her feeling unsettled.

As they arrived at Tzuyu's funeral, Mina's gaze wandered through the crowd until it settled on Chaeyoung. She observed him from a distance, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions.
Chaeyoung's expression portrayed the weight of grief he carried, and Mina couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of sadness etched on his face.

As Mina's gaze shifted from Chaeyoung to the woman standing beside him, she noticed Sana's presence. Sana's expression seemed to convey a profound sadness, her features etched with grief and sorrow.

Mina couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that flickered within her. Seeing Sana by Chaeyoung's side stirred a mix of emotions within her. For her, it was clear that Sana was there to offer support to Chaeyoung, perhaps because of Mina thought that Sana is Chaeyoung's girlfriend, and it's only deepened Mina's sense of heartache.

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