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The tension between the three of them was palpable as they sat at the dining table. Mina noticed that Bambam seemed uneasy and distant, and she could sense that Chaeyoung was also on edge. She tried to maintain a calm facade, but deep down, she felt conflicted.

Bambam couldn't hide the frustration in his voice as he spoke to Mina. "I've been worried about you, Mina," he said, his gaze locked onto her. "I think you should consider getting treatment from someone else, not Chaeyoung."

Mina looked taken aback by Bambam's suggestion. She knew he cared about her, but she had seen so much improvement since she started her treatment with Chaeyoung. "I appreciate your concern, oppa," she replied softly, "but Chaeyoung has been helping me a lot, and I trust him."

Chaeyoung's rage was simmering beneath the surface, but he tried to maintain his composure. "Mina's progress is a result of her hard work and our collaboration," he said firmly. "It's not up to you to decide what's best for her."

Bambam's expression hardened, feeling challenged by Chaeyoung's response. "I'm just worried, okay? I don't want to see her get hurt," he retorted.

Mina could sense the tension between the two, and she didn't want them to argue because of her. "Guys, please, let's not fight," she pleaded. "I know you both care about me, and I appreciate that. But this is my decision, and I trust Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung took a deep breath, trying to quell the anger bubbling within him. He understood Bambam's concern, but he couldn't let anyone belittle the progress they had made together. "Mina's wellbeing is my priority," he said firmly. "And I won't let anyone undermine her journey."

The atmosphere in the room became tense as Chaeyoung's fierce expression met Bambam's determined gaze. Chaeyoung couldn't believe what he was hearing, and he couldn't help but make an assumption based on Bambam's words.

"So, now tell me," Chaeyoung's voice was laced with anger, "are you asking Mina to stay away from me because you actually still have feelings for her?"

Bambam didn't back down, his eyes unwavering. "Yes," he replied firmly. "My feelings for Mina never truly went away."

Mina felt a mix of surprise and confusion. She hadn't expected Bambam to confess his lingering feelings for her, especially in front of Chaeyoung. Her mind raced, trying to process everything that was happening.

Chaeyoung's blood was boiling, and he struggled to keep his emotions in check. He wanted to lash out at Bambam for making such a selfish request, but he knew that it wouldn't solve anything.

Instead, he took a deep breath and stayed silent. He didn't want to make the situation more complicated for Mina, but the revelation was hard to digest.

Bambam couldn't resist adding a touch of sarcasm to the conversation as he turned to Chaeyoung and asked, "So, why exactly do you want to keep Mina, huh?"

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow, not taking the bait for a sarcastic exchange. Instead, he replied calmly, "Mina is my friend, and she's been staying with me for her treatment. I care about her well-being, and I want to support her."

Bambam pretended to look surprised. "Oh, is that all?" he said with a playful smirk. "Are you sure there are no other reasons? Like, maybe you've developed some feelings for her too?"

Chaeyoung felt a bit uncomfortable with Bambam's assumption but chose not to engage in a heated argument. "We're just friends," he asserted firmly. "And I want to be there for her because she's going through a tough time."

Bambam couldn't resist provoking Chaeyoung further, wanting to see his reaction. "If you don't have any feelings for Mina, then why not just let her go?" he taunted.

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