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The night at the penthouse draped everything in a soft, ambient glow. Dim lights cast subtle shadows, creating an atmosphere that hovered between comforting and mysterious. The spacious rooms seemed to echo with unspoken words and untold stories.

Mina decided to approach Chaeyoung, who was engrossed in work in his office. As she stepped into the room, the soft hum of the city outside and the occasional tap of Chaeyoung's fingers on the keyboard filled the air.

Chaeyoung, sensing her presence, quickly shifted tabs on his laptop. The abrupt movement didn't escape Mina's notice, and a furrow appeared on her forehead. It was as if he hide something that she wasn't meant to see.

"Chaeyoung-aaa, can we talk?" Mina's voice was gentle but carried a hint of concern.

He swiveled his chair to face her and his lips curved a warm smile for Mina. "Of course, babe. What's on your mind?"

Mina hesitated for a moment before choosing her words. "I know i have asked you before but, is everything really okay? You seem... preoccupied lately. And the errand the other day, and now this... What's going on, Chaeyoung?"

A flicker of tension passed across Chaeyoung's face, but he quickly composed himself. "It's just work, Mina-yaa. You know how it gets sometimes. But I promise, everything is fine."

"Chaeyoung, we're in this together," she said, her eyes searching his for a deeper understanding. "If something is bothering you, let me share the burden. Don't shut me out."

He reached for her hand, a reassuring squeeze accompanying his words. "I appreciate that, Mina-yaa. And I promise, when the time is right, I'll share everything with you. okay?"

Mina nodded, a mixture of gratitude and frustration swirling within her. Mina took a seat on the sofa in Chaeyoung's office while looking at him working. After minutes of staring at her baby cub, she found herself yearning for the comfort that Chaeyoung's embrace brought. The soft glow of a lamp in the room cast a warm ambiance, creating an intimate space where unspoken feelings lingered.

With a shy smile, Mina turned to Chaeyoung, who was still engrossed in his work. "Chaeyoung-aaa, could you... um, could you come here for a moment?"

He looked up from his laptop, sensing the quiet plea in her voice. "Of course, babe. What do you need?"

Mina patted the empty space beside her on the sofa a subtle invitation for Chaeyoung to join her. As he sat, she shifted closer, the warmth of their proximity soothing her in a way that no amount of blankets or pillows could.

"Can we... can we just cuddle for a bit?" Mina's request was almost a whisper, carrying with it a vulnerability that she rarely showed.

A tender smile curved on Chaeyoung's lips, and he willingly wrapped his arms around her. Mina nestled against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Better?" Chaeyoung murmured, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back.

Mina nodded, her face nestled against his chest. "Much better. Your cuddles are like magic, you know?"

He chuckled softly, the sound reverberating through both of them. "Well, I'm glad my magic is working. Anything for you, Mina."

As Mina recounted her day at the company during following Jihyo to practice, Chaeyoung listened with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Mina, in her expressive way, described the encounter with this mysterious figure. "Chaeyoung-aaa, you won't believe what happened at the company today. There was this guy who looked like you, but trust me, he was a completely different person. Rude and arrogant, nothing like you."

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