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It's been a week since Chaeyoung and Mina fought. After knowing the truth, Mina desperately tried to reach out to Son Chaeyoung to ask for forgiveness for being so brat ass to him, but that latter seems to have disappeared from the radar. She wanted to ask her members about Chaeyoung, but embarrassment ate her alive and nervous hurmous kept heating up whenever she tried, so at the end she stupidly asked something nonsense. She once tried to ask Nayeon about Chaeyoung, if she had met or bumped into Chaeyoung at the company, but she found it frightening and buried her question deep in her heart when she turned out asking Nayeon about her bunny teeth, which made Nayeon burst into laughter because of the unexpected weird question from the penguin. Mina couldn't deny that she looks like a strange dump person who has ever lived in this world for the whole week. 

In the same week, Twice has also been busy preparing their performances to meet their fans, Once for their mini fan meeting, and Mina has already started to help Bambam with the dance thingy.

Today is the day, the Twice fan meeting day after their last comeback a few months ago. With fear gradually enveloping Mina's inner self, she pretends to be okay and tough in front of her members just because she wants to make them happy and doesn't feel any burden if they keep worrying about their precious Mina. There's nothing more meaningful for her right now except when Twice's members are complete and have each other.

"One in a million!" Twice's catchline was ear-splitting the hall and getting a full of cheers, hurrahs, and energetic applause from Once. The members then excitedly introduce themselves one by one, with a shout-out from their fans. Mina's body grew tense to the point of shaking when it came to her turn to introduce herself. Luckily, Nayeon was beside her; she tried to comfort Mina and make sure the penguin could overcome her fear. She held Mina's cold hand tightly while the other members gave her a lovely and spiritful outlook. 

Mina seemed unable to speak through the lump in her throat, but she tried her best to muster up her courage for the members and fans. "Hello, I'm Mina from Twice," she hesitantly introduced herself with a smile that contained her thin lips. Her members then give her a lovely smile, and the proud feelings of their penguins are clearly visible on their faces. Jihyo approached Mina to hug her, which was followed by other members "Group hug time!" Nayeon giggles. A loud cheer from Once makes the atmosphere extremely alive, and it escalates Mina's spirit a little bit, but still, there is a piece of anxiety in her gut.

Twice started their fans' meeting by performing their latest song, "Talk That Talk," while their fans kept chanting and celebrating Twice with a freaking crazy enthusiasm. As long as their fans are happy and enjoy them, they will never stop delighting them because they always say, "It's not over until it's over." They entertain their fans by performing, talking, playing some games, and signing their latest album.

"You look so pretty today, Mina-yaa!" A young lady excitedly said when she stood closely in front of Mina while Mina signed the album for her. It is so fascinating for some fans. They are freaking lucky to meet Twice in real life, and for God's sake, Twice's fans all around the world are wishing to meet them once at least before they die. 

Mina raised her hands to high-five the lady before she moved on to the next member and averted the stage. After the girl left the stage, a man in a complete black outfit walked closer to Twice. He passed the album to Jihyo first because she sits at the end of the table, and he praised Jihyo so much. He gives her a handmade present, and Jihyo seems pleased to accept it. He then comes to Momo, and the peach signs the album for him. Momo also delightfully received the gift from him. The next turn should be Mina's, but he suddenly skipped Mina, who was ready to grace him, and turned straight away to Jeongyeon, who was sitting next to Mina. He stopped in front of Jeongyeon and gave the album to her. A little bit of upset was obviously plastered on Mina's face. 

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