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In Chaeyoung's penthouse, the sunrays streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a warm glow on the tastefully decorated living room. The air was filled with the subtle aroma of freshly brewed coffee, hinting at the start of a new day.

As they approach Mina when entered the penthouse, Somi's eyes instantly lit up with excitement. She released Chaeyoung's arm and rushed towards Mina, unable to contain her joy at seeing her unnie. With a bright smile, Somi engulfed Mina in a warm hug, exclaiming, "Mina unnie, it's been too long! Great to see you, unnie"

Mina chuckled and reciprocated the hug, saying, "Somi, it's great to see you too! How have you been?" Somi beamed and replied, "I've been good, unnie! But I heard from Chaeyoung that you've been feeling anxious lately. Is everything alright?" Concern etched across her face as she gently held Mina's hands.

Mina nodded, appreciating Somi's concern. "Yes, I've been struggling with anxiety, but I'm working on it," Mina replied softly.

Somi's eyes widened with empathy, and she said earnestly, "Chaeyoung told me about it, unnie. He cares about you a lot. If you need someone to be there for you, he's more than willing to support you. You don't have to face it alone."

Somi came to see me about something," Chaeyoung suddenly interrupted, glancing at Somi fondly.

Mina nodded, trying to hide her feelings that full of wonder.

Chaeyoung turned to Somi and said, "Somi, why don't you join us for breakfast? It would be nice to catch up." Somi's eyes sparkled with excitement as she eagerly accepted the invitation, taking a seat at the cozy breakfast nook. Mina watched their interaction with a mix of curiosity and unease.

Over breakfast, Somi effortlessly recounted hilarious stories from her trainee days with Chaeyoung, prompting laughter from him.

Somi teased Chaeyoung, "Remember when you tried that dance move and ended up falling flat on your face? Good times, huh?"

Chaeyoung playfully rolled his eyes and replied, "Hey, at least I tried! And you were the queen of pranks, Somi. Remember the one with the fake spider?" Laughter filled the room as they reminisced, momentarily easing any tension.

During breakfast, Somi's clumsiness made an appearance as she accidentally spilled her juice on her lap. Chaeyoung sweetly take out his a napkin to clean it up.

As Chaeyoung helped Somi with a clumsy mishap, Mina couldn't help but feel a pang of unpleasant, although she tried to deny it. She discreetly averted her gaze, her discomfort apparent.

After he cleaned up the spilled juice, Chaeyoung couldn't help but add some humor to the situation.L nd teased playfully, "Somi, you know, I think you might need to take some extra lessons in handling drinks. Maybe we should get you a sippy cup!"

Somi rolled her eyes, but she was laughing too. "Oh, ha ha, very funny, Chaeyoung. You should know better than anyone that accidents happen to the best of us!"

Chaeyoung turned to Mina with a mischievous grin, seeking her agreement. "Mina, you've seen it too, right? Somi here is the clumsiest person we know!"

Mina felt a bit awkward but tried to play along. With a hint of bitterness in her voice, she replied nonchalantly, "Well, I guess I agree with you, Chaeyoung. Somi does have her moments."

Somi pretended to be hurt, pouting at their teasing. "You guys are so mean to me! I can't help it if I have a few clumsy moments."

Chaeyoung burst into laughter, and the playful banter continued throughout their breakfast. Chaeyoung and Somi were like two mischievous couples, teasing and poking fun at each other, and Mina couldn't help but feel like the unpleasant observer in their playful dynamic.

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