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The atmosphere in the store became palpably tense. Mina's confusion and discomfort were evident in the furrow of her brows and the tightness of her jaw. She struggled to maintain her composure, her mind racing with a myriad of emotions.

Chaeyoung then approached Mina, his expression filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. "How long have you been waiting?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet tinged with underlying tension.

Stuttering slightly in an attempt to compose herself amidst the confusion, Mina replied, "N-not long."

A sigh of relief escaped Chaeyoung's lips upon hearing Mina's response, a fleeting moment of tension dissipating. However, beside him, Sana gently nudged Chaeyoung's arm, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Ah... Mina-yaa, this is Sana," Chaeyoung introduced them, breaking the tense silence. "Sana-yaa, this is Mina."

Sana's eyes sparkled with glee as she extended her hand towards Mina, her smile bright and infectious. With widened eyes, Mina hesitated for a moment before tentatively accepting Sana's handshake, unsure of what to make of the unexpected encounter.

As Mina accepted the handshake, her hand trembling slightly in Sana's grasp, she managed a stuttered response. "N-nice to meet you, Mina-Ssi," Sana said politely, her tone cordial but her eyes holding a hint of curiosity.

Feeling a rush of emotions, Mina nodded in response, her voice barely above a whisper as she replied to Sana. "Y-yes, nice to meet you too, Sana."

Chaeyoung, sensing the tension in the air, interjected with a gentle reminder. "Shall we?" he said, gesturing towards the exit. His voice carried a note of urgency, a silent plea to move past the awkwardness and proceed with their dinner plans.

Chaeyoung patted Sana's head gently, a gesture of reassurance. "We're going now, call me if anything, okay?" he said, his voice soft but firm.

Sana responded with a cheerful smile. "Have fun, both of you," she said warmly, her tone masking any hint of discomfort.

Bewildered, Mina couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you come with us, Sana-Ssi?" Her confusion was evident, despite the tremble in her voice.

Sana shook her head, signaling that she wouldn't be joining them.

Chaeyoung chuckled playfully. "She just followed me until here because she insisted on meeting you. Don't mind her, she's strange sometimes. Let's go, Mina-yaa," he said, his tone light-hearted as he looked at Sana.

"Yaa! I heard that, Son Chaeyoung," Sana retorted, her annoyance evident in her voice.

Despite her lingering confusion, Mina felt a slight sense of relief that Sana wouldn't be joining them. However, one question still lingered in her mind: What was Chaeyoung's relationship with Sana?

At the restaurant, Mina couldn't shake the thought of Sana from her mind. Summoning up her courage, she finally broached the topic with Chaeyoung. "Chaeng, isn't Sana jealous of you going out with me, your ex... girlfriend?" Mina's voice quivered slightly as she voiced her question.

Chaeyoung chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Why should she be jealous?" he replied casually, though he could sense Mina's unease and the direction her thoughts might be heading.

Not wanting to dwell on the subject any longer, Chaeyoung swiftly changed the topic. "Enough about her, what do you want to eat?" he asked, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Realizing that Chaeyoung didn't want to discuss Sana further, Mina reluctantly turned her attention back to the menu. However, her mind continued to wander, filled with curiosity about who Sana really was and what her relationship with Chaeyoung entailed.

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