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"Chaeyoung??" Nayeon's mouth fell open. "What are you doing here? And Somi...??" her eyes blinking repeatedly in shock at both of the figures. She stepped closer to them and left Mina behind.

Mina's eyes just trailed Nayeon's back before turning her gaze back to Chaeyoung, who is talking to Nayeon. She noticed that Chaeyoung peeked behind Nayeon looking at her, his face bewildered while they talked about something, their eyes accidentally met, and Mina immediately broke the eye contact.

Nayeon twisted her body back, facing Mina, "Mina-yaaa come here" her hand waving in the air, calling for Mina to join them.

'Ehh? Did Nayeon unnie tell him that I asked about him before? Oh no!! that can't be'. She took a a few heavy step heading them. Her body faces Chaeyoung and Somi while she's standing next to Nayeon, she felt numb all over her legs. Mina peered at the wood-tiled floor as she lacked the guts to even look at them. Her cheeks flushed pink, feeling embarrassed.

"Hi, Mina unnie" Somi greets Mina softly. Mina heads up, looking at Somi. She just nods and gives her a plain smile in return.

"If you don't mind, Mina-yaa, Chaeyoung and Somi want to join us for lunch. Is that okay with you?" Nayeon sounded like she was pleading while she tilted her head.

"Sure unnie" Mina murmurs. Mina heaves in relief, 'I thought they talked about me, argh silly Mina!'

Nayeon takes her first step, leaving the room, walking side by side with Somi. Chaeyoung was behind Nayeon and Somi while Mina tailed behind those three .

'I must deal with him, I have to. Come on Mina, just call out his name, and say sorry. That's all'. Mina sighed and paced up to catch up Chaeyoung,

"Bang!!!!!" a thud suddenly echoed down the hallway. Mina collided with Chaeyoung's back when Chaeyoung abruptly stopped in front of her.

"Ouchh!!! what was........Mina??" Chaeyoung turned around to catch the culprit that was hitting him, and his brows rose in a surprised arc when he saw Mina, the girl who now caressed her forehead because she bumped into his broad shoulder.

"I'm...." Mina trails off.

"Hey, are you alright? Why did you bump into me? Did you run from a ghost or what?" Chaeyoung yelled, looking at the latter with curiosity. He extended his hand to touch Mina's shoulder to check on her, but he stopped right away after recalling what happened yesterday when he patted her shoulder.

"No, I'm just..."

"That's okay Mina-yaa, come, walk beside me" Chaeyoung chuckles and moves aside, asking Mina to step beside him.

Mina hesitantly looking at him, she engraved a slight smile and they continue walking side by side. They couldn't hear anything but their own feet thumping alternately on the floor. Mina squinting the corner of her eyes, tries to steal a glance at Chaeyoung, who is now steadily walking with his gaze patched to the front. Suddenly, Chaeyoung turns his head slightly to her, then Mina's eyes quickly shift away from Chaeyoung.

"Is there anything wrong with my face or is it because I'm handsome, Mina?" Chaeyoung mutters.

"Eh?" her muscles in the jaw tense.

"I know you stole a glance at me before. Are you secretly fond of me?" Chaeyoung exploded into a foolish laugh. Chaeyoung gave short stare at the latter, as if awaiting an explanation.

The embarrassment hit Mina, her lips pinched together in a hard line. She couldn't meet his eyes. At this moment, she just hoped that God would make her blind for a while or even better, if she can take off her eyeballs and threw them away as a punishment for glancing at Chaeyoung just now. She curses under her breath "Just say it Mina, please have courage, idiot"

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