29- BE MINE? 🔞

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Under the velvet sky, the Han River embraced the city lights, mirroring a celestial dance. A symphony of crickets accompanied the soft ripples, weaving a melody of serenity. The city's skyline glittered, painting reflections on the water. Lovers strolled hand in hand, their whispers mingling with the gentle breeze. The night was a canvas, where dreams and reality intertwined. As Mina and Chaeyoung walked along the riverside, the moon cast its silver glow, turning their shared silence into a conversation written in the language of the night.

On a moonlit night by the Han River, Chaeyoung and Mina, wrapped in hoodies and masks to avoid fans, embarked on a clandestine adventure. The soft glow of streetlights played hide-and-seek with the shadows as they strolled along the riverside.

As they strolled along the riverbank, Chaeyoung suddenly stopped and pointed to the stars. "You know," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "they say if you make a wish on a shooting star, it always comes true."

Mina chuckled, "But there are no shooting stars tonight, Chaeyoung."

With a grin, he pulled out a small jar filled with fairy lights. "Well, what about fairy lights?" he teased, handing her the jar. "Make a wish, Mina."

She closed her eyes, whispered her wish, and released the lights into the night. The jar sparkled with ethereal glow, and Chaeyoung seized the moment. "I have a wish too," he confessed, his voice laced with playful sincerity.

Mina raised an eyebrow, "Really? What's your wish?"

Chaeyoung couldn't help but notice the sparkle in Mina's eyes. He mustered up the courage, a nervous smile playing on his lips, and said, "Mina, you know, we've been through a lot together. And, well, I was thinking... what if we added a new chapter to our story?"

Mina, intrigued and teasing, nudged him, "A new chapter? Are you proposing, Chaeyoung?"

He chuckled, "Well, not the down-on-one-knee kind, but more of a 'let's officially be a thing' proposal. What do you say?"

Mina's eyes softened, and she grinned, "I say you're pretty cheesy, Chaeyoung."

He laughed, "Guilty as charged. But seriously, Mina, I care about you in a way that's more than just friendship. You make my heart do weird things, and I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend."

Mina, a gentle blush coloring her cheeks, replied, "You know what, Chaeyoung? Your weird heart does weird things to mine too. So, yes, let's make it official."

As the river whispered its secrets, Chaeyoung cupped Mina's face, his eyes revealing an unspoken tenderness. "Mina, you're like a melody in my life. The kind of song that I want to listen to every day."

Mina, touched by his sincerity, teased, "You're not so bad yourself, Chaeyoung. You're like the unexpected plot twist in my favorite book."

In the silence that followed, their laughter danced with the river breeze. Chaeyoung, unable to contain the overwhelming emotions, brushed a strand of hair from Mina's face and leaned in. Their lips met under the moonlit sky, a sweet, stolen kiss that sealed the beginning of their romantic journey.

As they pulled away, Chaeyoung couldn't resist one more quip, "So, officially my girlfriend now?"

Mina rolled her eyes playfully, "Officially. But if you get too cheesy, I might reconsider."

They walked back along the riverbank, hand in hand, two hearts entwined in a love story that started beneath the stars, away from the world's gaze. And in the simplicity of that night, Chaeyoung and Mina discovered that sometimes the most beautiful chapters are written in the quiet moments, away from the spotlight.

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