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The JYP practice room was bustling with energy, filled with the sound of music and the rhythmic movements of dancers. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting the dancers as they moved and grooved to the beat.

Mina and the others were in the midst of a dance practice, their movements precise and synchronized as they rehearsed for their upcoming performance. Sweat glistened on their skin as they worked tirelessly to perfect their routine.

Suddenly, Chaeyoung appeared in the practice room, his presence commanding attention. He greeted the group with a warm smile, his eyes scanning the room as he took in the dancers' movements.

As they exchanged pleasantries, Chaeyoung's gaze lingered on Mina, who looked stunning in her sweatpants and crop top. Her slim, toned body moved with grace and precision, her every movement captivating Chaeyoung's attention.

As Chaeyoung observed Mina and Hyunjin perform their parts, he couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in their movements. The steps seemed less intimate and lacked the sensual energy that had been present before.

While dancing with Hyunjin, Mina's eyes darted towards the mirror, seeking Chaeyoung's reaction. Chaeyoung's expression softened as he met her gaze, but there was a hint of confusion in his eyes. Chaeyoung realized that Mina might have altered the steps because of him because he unintentionally told Mina about his discomfort of their previous dance step.

Chaeyoung remained in the practice room until the rehearsal came to an end, observing Mina's performance with a mix of admiration and concern. As the others filed out of the room, Chaeyoung approached Mina, who was tying her hair back to cool off from the intense practice.

"Hey, Mina-yaa, can we talk?" Chaeyoung's voice was gentle as he approached her.

Mina turned towards him, a faint smile on her lips. "Of course, Chaeyoung-aa," she replied, moving slowly towards the corner of the room where they could have some privacy.

Chaeyoung followed closely behind her, intending to address the unresolved tension between them. "Mina-yaa, about that night..." he began, his voice trailing off as he was suddenly interrupted by a splash of water hitting his face.

Startled, Chaeyoung blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision. It took him a moment to realize that Mina had accidentally sprayed water from her mouth because she was surprised at finding him so close to her when she turned around to face him.

"Yaa!! Chaeng, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to," Mina exclaimed nervously, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she hurriedly tried to wipe the water from Chaeyoung's face. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out to dab at the droplets, her eyes flickering with concern as she noticed his wet clothes.

Chaeyoung's gaze intensified as he closed his eyes briefly, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He bit his inner cheek, a sign of inner turmoil, before uttering softly, "It's okay... I'm leaving now." With a heavy heart, he turned to leave, his footsteps echoing through the room. Mina, feeling guilty for the mishap, hurriedly followed behind him, her heart heavy with remorse.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but notice Mina trailing behind him, but he decided to playfully tease her by pretending not to acknowledge her presence. He led the way until they reached his office, the tension palpable between them.

Chaeyoung opened the door to his office, gesturing for Mina to come inside. As Mina entered, she couldn't help but notice Chaeyoung's smirk, realizing that she had been played by him. Despite feeling a bit annoyed, she also wanted to play it cool.

"Chaeng... I'm sorry... are you mad at me?" Mina asked, her gaze fixed on Chaeyoung as he retrieved another shirt from his office.

Chaeyoung held the shirt in his hand, looking at Mina. "No... I'm not... take a seat," he said, gesturing for Mina to sit on the sofa.

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