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The next morning in Jeju Island greeted them with a canvas of breathtaking scenery. The sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold as it emerged from the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

Chaeyoung, in a surprising move, had something special planned for Mina. He took her by the hand, leading her to a luxurious yacht near the shore. Mina's eyes widened with surprise and delight.

Her expression was a mix of cute excitement and shy happiness. "Chaeyoung, what's all this?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

He grinned, "Just a little surprise. I thought we could spend the morning on the yacht and enjoy the ocean."

Mina couldn't contain her joy. "This is amazing! But, Chaeyoung, you didn't have to do all this."

He squeezed her hand gently. "I wanted to. Now, let's make the most of this day."

As they stepped onto the yacht, Mina couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. The sea breeze tousled her hair, and the gentle rocking of the boat added a touch of adventure to the moment.

Mina, her eyes reflecting the sea's brilliance, turned to Chaeyoung. "This is so beautiful, Chaeyoung. Thank you."

He smiled, his gaze fixed on her. "Anything for you, Babe."

Mina's eyes widened. "You thought of everything, didn't you?"

He winked. "Well, I wanted our morning to be perfect."

After their enchanting sail on the yacht, Chaeyoung decided to treat Mina to the vibrant street market of Jeju Island. As they strolled hand in hand through the bustling market, the air was filled with the aromatic blend of street food, the chatter of vendors, and the lively hum of a thousand conversations.

However, their peaceful stroll took an unexpected turn when a fan recognized Mina. A voice cut through the market noise, exclaiming, "Isn't it Mina from Twice?"

Mina, taken by surprise, instinctively let go of Chaeyoung's hand. Within moments, the attention of the crowd shifted towards her. Fans started to gather, recognizing the kpop idol in their midst.

Chaeyoung keenly observed Mina's expressions. The sudden encounter with the crowd seemed to have made her uncomfortable, and he could sense her unease.

Mina, after six months of hiatus, hadn't anticipated such a public encounter. The weight of attention from the crowd felt like a whirlwind, catching her off guard.

Despite her years of experience as an idol, the hiatus had created a temporary shield from fan interactions. Now, in the midst of a market filled with Twice's fans, Mina anxious with the abrupt shift in her surroundings.

Sensing her distress, Chaeyoung quickly shifted into a protective mode, pretend to be her manager.

He began guiding Mina through the crowd, creating a distance between Mina and the fans. He politely but firmly requested space for Mina, "Excuse us, please. Mina isn't feeling well, and we need to get her some fresh air," he announced, his tone carrying both authority and concern.

As they escaping through the crowd, Chaeyoung give reassuring glances at Mina, ensuring she felt supported due to the unexpected situation..

Once they found a quieter spot, away from the crowds, Chaeyoung could drop the manager character. "Are you okay, Mina?" he asked, genuine worry etched on his face.

Mina nodded, still recovering from the sudden wave of discomfort. "Thanks, Chaeyoung. It just hit me all of a sudden."

Chaeyoung draped a comforting arm around her, leading her towards a more quite area where they could gather themselves away from the market's. "Let's take a breather here. No rush, okay? Your well-being comes first."

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