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In the silent hallway of JYP Entertainment, Bambam's voice echoed as he called out Mina's name, his tone filled with concern and confusion. "Mina-yaa!!" he exclaimed, trying to catch her attention. As Mina turned to face him, Bambam's expression was a mix of frustration and worry.

"Why have you been so distant lately? You haven't been answering my calls or replying to my messages," he questioned, his words laced with concern. He couldn't help but wonder if Mina's avoidance was somehow related to Chaeyoung's return.

Assuming the worst, Bambam tentatively suggested, "Is it because Chaeyoung is back?" His voice betrayed a hint of insecurity as he awaited Mina's response.

However, Mina quickly shook her head, denying any connection between Chaeyoung's return and her recent behavior. With a heavy sigh, she admitted, "It has nothing to do with Chaeyoung." Her tone was firm, leaving no room for doubt.

Then, mustering her courage, Mina made a decision. "I..just don't want to meet you anymore, oppa" she confessed, her words hanging heavy in the air between them. It was a difficult admission, but one she felt she needed to make for her own well-being.

"But whyy.., Mina-yaa?" Bambam raged out of sudden and demanded to know why Mina didn't want to meet him anymore. Before Mina could answer, suddenly Bambam and Mina's gaze involuntarily shifted towards Chaeyoung, who happened to be passing by with Sana. There was a tense silence between them as they both observed Chaeyoung's nonchalant walking by.

Chaeyoung's gaze briefly towards Mina and Bambam, his expression carrying a hint of indifference. With a slight smirk, he continued walking alongside Sana, giving no fuck about both Mina and Bambam.

For Mina, seeing Chaeyoung with another woman ignited a pang of jealousy deep within her. Despite her efforts to push him out of her mind, seeing him with someone else stirred up complex emotions she had been trying to suppress.

Bambam observed Mina's expression as Chaeyoung left them, his features hardening he stated firmly, his tone sounds cold

However, Mina quickly shook her head in denial, refuting Bambam's assertion. "No, it's not because of Chaeyoung, i told you" she insisted, her voice tinged with frustration.

Mina's eyes widened in fear as Bambam's expression twisted into one of rage. His grip on Mina's hand tightened to the point of pain, causing her to wince and whimper in discomfort. Despite her attempts to pull away, Bambam's hold remained firm.

"Listen to me," Bambam spat, his voice low and menacing. "If I can't have you, then neither can Son Chaeyoung. You're mine."

Mina's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled against Bambam's grasp, panic rising within her. "Let me go, please..." she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.

Bambam's grip only seemed to grow stronger, his anger radiating off him in waves. Just as Mina felt the panic rising within her, a sudden intervention startled her. Another hand, much stronger and firmer, grabbed Bambam's wrist, forcing him to release his hold on her.

Startled, Mina's eyes widened as she looked up to see the unexpected savior. It was Chaeyoung, his expression a mix of bitterness and concern as he confronted Bambam. His voice, filled with authority, demanded that Bambam let her go.

"You better let her go, now," Chaeyoung's voice was firm, commanding, yet tinged with a hint of bitterness. He stood protectively between Mina and Bambam, ready to intervene if necessary.

As Bambam's eyes widened in shock, his grip on Mina's hand loosened, allowing her to pull away. He shot a venomous glare at Chaeyoung, his tone dripping with disdain.

"Looks like the liar is trying to be a savior," Bambam sneered. "What does it feel like, Chaeyoung? Fucking another woman?"

Turning his attention back to Mina, Bambam's voice was laced with contempt. "Mina-yaa, are you still seriously hung up on this cheater?"

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