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After 30 minutes of driving, Chaeyoung finally arrived at the JYP building. He parked his car, put on a face mask that covered half of his face, and began pacing up to the building. Before his leg stepped into the building, he was halted at the main entrance. He turned around, his dazzling eyes subtly looking at the surroundings, and stopped right at the store across the road for a moment. He was then interrupted by two men, who were completely dressed in black suits with black sunglasses on. They also have tiny security earbud patches on their ears.

"Sir, all the guests are already waiting for you, the dinner will start so soon" One of the men told Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung just nodded and was then escorted by them into the main hall of JYP, where dinner is held.

"Get ready, the vice president has already arrived" the other man said to someone on the other line, using a walkie-talkie.

They now already entered the hall. Chaeyoung walked to the VIP table that was reserved for him and the board of directors. All of them stood up and bowed to Chaeyoung once he approached them. Chaeyoung stretched out his hand for a handshake with them, and his foster dad, Park Jin Young, was also there. They then take their seats because the ceremony is about to begin.

Park Jin Young abruptly stood up and walked onto the stage, greeting and thanking the guests for their attendance tonight. After finishing, he headed back to his table and patted Chaeyoung's shoulder. "Thanks for coming, son. Now it's your turn" His lips were smiling together with his eyes looking at Chaeyoung.

"Now comes the moment we've all been waiting for, our main event...Here, I invite our new vice president, Mr. Justine Park to give his speech and inaugurate our ceremony dinner tonight" The emcee was excited to welcome their vice president to the stage, and applause rang out throughout the hall. A young man with a black face mask covering half of his face suddenly stood up and walked on to the stage. He looks very elegant and gallant in his complete grey suit, making the crowd's applause more loud than before. He stands firmly in the middle of the stage and grabs the microphone. He loosened his tie and cleared his throat. "Hello and good evening, peeps. My name is Justine Park. Nice to meet you guys again...."

"Actually, I feel so great and glad because you guys, the artists, staff, and board of directors of JYPe are willing to spend your precious time just for me. I wish I could stay here longer and savour every moment with you guys on this beautiful and meaningful night, but I have something else to do, so I'll leave now. Just enjoy it and have some fun, peeps!" Chaeyoung put back the mic and walked down the stage before bowing to the crowd.

His sudden actions were truly unexpected, discourteous, and unmannered, of course, because he wasn't Son Chaeyoung just now, but Justine Park, the one with a bad side, misbehavior, and unethical.

He's leaving the crowd dumbfounded once again. He could even hear that the crowd was making so many bad assumptions about him, but he chose to ignore them and leave. He stole a glance at his dad, frustration clearly painted on his face.

"What the f...., arghh, I tell you guys he's a mysterious jerk" Momo mumbles to her members while seeing that freak Justine Park is leaving the event.

"There he is, our savage Justine Park,unexpected and brave to do crazy things like this. He's very different from Chaeyoung, despite the fact that they're the same person, right unnie?" Jeongyeon whispers to Nayeon.

"Hmm...That jerk Justine Park, like you, Jeongyeon-aa, always makes a scene." Nayeon countered at Jeongyeon, which earned her a dead stare from the latter. Jeongyeon smacked Nayeon's shoulder, which made the older one whine. Nayeon fights back, and there they are, having a small fight and bickering again and again.

"Anyway, why isn't Mina joining us? Is she just fine?" Jeongyeon asked her member after her small storm and earthquake scenes with Nayeon were stopped by Jihyo.

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