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It was a sunny afternoon, and Chaeyoung found himself driving through the bustling streets of Seoul. Lunch with Somi had gone well, but a lingering feeling of frustration from an earlier encounter with BamBam still hung in the air. However, his focus shifted as he remembered his promise to pick up Mina. He knew he had to be there for her, especially during her struggle with anxiety.

Chaeyoung parked his car outside the Twice dorm, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He made his way to the entrance, anticipation and determination pushing him forward. Knocking on the door, he waited anxiously for someone to answer.

Mina opened the door, her expression revealing a mix of surprise and reluctance. She wasn't thrilled about staying with Chaeyoung, but they both knew it was necessary for her well-being. Chaeyoung smiled warmly, trying to ease the tension.

"Hey, Mina! Ready for our afternoon adventure?" Chaeyoung asked, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

Mina mustered a small smile, trying to mask her apprehension. "Yeah, sure. Let's get this over with," she replied, sounding more resigned than excited.

As Chaeyoung prepared to pick up Mina from the Twice dorm, he couldn't escape the mischievous grins and playful whispers exchanged by the other Twice members. They knew about the arrangement for Mina to stay with him and couldn't resist teasing their friends.

Jihyo, smirked knowingly. "Oh, Chaeyoung, taking care of Mina, huh? I hope you're prepared for the challenge."

Nayeon chimed in with a sly smile. "Yeah, make sure you keep her entertained, Chaeyoung. We know how easily she gets bored."

Chaeyoung rolled his eyes, trying to maintain a composed demeanor. "Don't worry, guys. I've got it all under control. Mina's in good hands."

Dahyun couldn't resist adding her own playful comment. "Just don't let her drive you too crazy, Chaeyoung. We don't want you pulling your hair out."

Nayeon giggled, unable to contain her amusement. "I wonder how long it'll take before Chaeyoung starts regretting this arrangement."

Momo, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, playfully nudged Chaeyoung. "You know, Chaeyoung, spending so much time together might make you realize you two were meant to be."

The room erupted in laughter as Chaeyoung's face turned a shade of pink. He tried to play it off with a nonchalant chuckle. "Come on, guys, it's not like that. We're just friends helping each other out."

Jeongyeon, ever the sarcastic one, joined in, adding fuel to the fire. "Oh, of course, just friends. We'll see how long that lasts."

Amidst the teasing, Mina's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but find amusement in the situation. "All right, all right, you've had your fun, Twice. Just remember, payback is a dish best served cold."

The members laughed even harder, thoroughly enjoying Mina's retort. They knew she could hold her own in a battle of wits.

Chaeyoung, deciding to embrace the humor, added with a smirk, "Oh, Mina, I'm sure you're going to have plenty of chances to get back at them. Just wait until they're in need of a favor."

The teasing continued, providing a light-hearted atmosphere that reassured Chaeyoung and Mina that their friends were always there for them, even when poking fun at their predicament. With laughter ringing in their ears, they knew that no matter what challenges awaited them, the bond they shared with the members of Twice would provide endless support and laughter along the way.

Chaeyoung's eyes twinkled mischievously after notice Mina's sour face after they stepped out from the dorm. "Oh, come on, Mina. It won't be that bad. I promise to keep you entertained."

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