16- "Old friends"

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For a moment, There was an awkward silence and uncomfortable long pause in their conversation. The place was like defeaning and soundproof, nothing could be hear in the setting. Nayeon and Mina still fixed in their positions at the balcony. 

"Stay with him? He really asked you to stay with him? " Nayeon still baffle of what Mina just said and keeps questioning like an detective.

"I guess i didnt misheard anything unnie, that was what he asked me.. to stay with him" Mina composed her words one by one. Trying to express as she can to make Nayeon understand.

"So? Did you agree?"

"He asked my dad first before me. My dad agreed so do i" Mina replied, the same answer as she told Chaeyoung. She had to agree because of her dad.

"Alright then.. as it was for your treatment, i wish you all the best, Mina-yaa" Nayeon utters. She could sense that Mina was actually under a bit pressure to accept these things, staying with a stranger, it is something new for Mina and she could figure out maybe that was what Mina afraid about. Even tho Chaeyoung wasnt that strange to Nayeon, but Mina and him just got know each others for few weeks now. Mina maybe didnt get a chance to fully acknowledge what kind of guy Chaeyoung is. As for the rest, she just hope Mina can adapt with Chaeyoung easily.

After all she had no doubt about Chaeyoung. She knows how Chaeyoung really is as he was be friend with him since they are trainees. He's dedicated in everything he does. He is nothing same with the other guys she knows. Chaeyoung is different for her. She got a faith with Chaeyoung that he will help their precious penguin by making an all-out effort in his job.

"Don't worry Mina-yaa, i'm sure Son Chaeyoung will help you to the fullest. I know him, he's the best at his work. Chaeyoung is passionate and hardworking man, i'm sure you will feel at ease with him" Nayeon patting Mina's shoulder while smiling which make her bunny teeth stand out cutely.

"Thank you unnie" Mina grinned back to the oldest. At least what Nayeon said make her feel a little at light.

"But...if he makes something bad to you, just tell me. I will give a big punch on his face" Nayeon jokingly said to lessen the tensed in Mina's thought.

"Hahhahahaha unnie, i know i can count on you" Mina snake her hand around Nayeon's waist, and rest her head on Nayeon shoulder, making it as her safe place, it's comfortable for her.


It's 9 o clock in the morning. Sun was already rised at it usuall reserved place. The scattered light from the sun brighten up Chaeyoung's room as it radiate through the slit of the white hanging curtains that cover the glass wall. At some point, the light reached him that still sleeping and laying on his bed. The light make him groans, feel like his deep and sound sleep was disturbed.

Chaeyoung narrowed his eyes and rubbing it. He yawning with his husky voice try to wash over his sleepiness. He get himself to sit straight and leaning againts the board of his bed and for a moment, he's getting into some thoughts. His eyes were patched at the same place until he hears a vibration from his phone on the bedside table that cut off his reverie. He strecthed his arm to grab his phone lazily and opened the message he got.

FROM SOMSOMI  : Hey goodmorning, sleepy head!! Are you free today? What about a lunch together?

REPLY TO SOMSOMI : Hey morning! Alright.. will do..meet you at cup of soul then"

FROM SOMSOMI : Nice !! See yaa soon Chaeng !!

Chaeyoung smirks little bit after read the message from Somi before he put down his phone back on the table. He get himself up and the first thing he did is made his bed then walk into the bathroom.

After done with his things in the bathroom, he come out wearing a black short pants and shirtless on top, exposed his half naked muscular body except he has a grey towel hanging around his shoulder. He then walking downstare and there's no one there because he stay there all alone by himself. Even the fact that JYP once asked him to stay together, but he rejected JYP's suggestion because he's comfortable by living the way he likes where he can do anything that he wanted to. Besides he doesnt want to make a scene by living together with his foster dad because people around him right now just recognize him as Son Chaeyoung and not Justine Park.

He slipped into one of the room at the downstair, it just a small room with some exercise equipment. The room was like a small gym for him. It was a his every morning routine to get some exercise as a start for his new day. He always make sure that his shape, fitness and health are on point. He always got his confidence when he's in a good appearance in front others.

He walk infront of the push up bar, he brings his hand on the bar and hold it tightly. He fix his position and push up himself until his chin was above the bar. He keeps push up and down repeatedly. The veins on his hand getting obvious, his dominant muscle on his upper chest is visible, his sixpacks getting in tone everytime he push himself up.

After done with the push up bar, he changed the exercise using a dumbell and some other equipments in that room. After a while he was washed by sweat, a signal for him that he's already got an enough exercise. He take his grey towel and wipe over the sweat while taking his steps into the bathroom to refresh himself.


"Chaeyoung!! oppa!! Right here" A familiar girl yelled out his name. Chaeyoung then making his way toward the girl.

"Hello, Somi-yaa" He curved he genuine sweet smile to the girl that waiting for him in the cafe as they promised to get their lunch together.

The reason why Somi get along with Chaeyoung is that, she also know that Justine Park was Son Chaeyoung because she is also one on the longest trainee in the company along with 3mix. But she blew it away as she know she has nothing to do with Chaeyoung's different character as long as it doesnt affected her in any way.

During their lunch together, they just keep eating and chatting about themselves and try to catch up with each other like lost-long friend always did. But Son Chaeyoung and Somi actually also got their own stories back then. The story that should be untold, at least for now.

"Seems like a there's a pretty hot stories here, huh?" A manly voice suddenly said.

Both Chaeyoung and Somi then turned their gaze to that man that appeared in front of them.

"Bam oppa?" Somi shockingly said his name. It was unexpected for them to see Bambam suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Hey, Chaeyoung.. mind if i join you guys" He pull out the chair beside Chaeyoung and take a seat without waiting a reply. A smirk is presentable across his face.

"So, you are back again, as a SON... CHAEYOUNG" Bambam cynicall said and pressed out Chaeyoung's name slowly.

"What do you want bam?" Chaeyoung nonchalantly replied without looking at him.

"Nothing.. just want catch up with old friends" Bambam raising his eyesbrows looking at Somi and Chaeyoung.

"Oppa, don't you have any works other than bothering his life?" Somi sound sarcastic.

"Am i bothering? Huh, Chaeyoung?" He didnt replied to Somi instead he keeps intriguing Son Chaeyoung.

"Let's go Somi-yaa" Chaeyoung doesnt feel like he need to answer Bambam. He stand up from his chair and leave. Somi followed him from behind and they left Bambam alone at the table, his face shown unsatisfaction with both of them.

"Son...Chaeyoung.." A dark giggles slip through his mouth.

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