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Mina makes a step into the cafe in the JYP building. The cafe looks aesthetic with a classic interior design. It was specialised for JYP staff, artists,trainees and only visitors with VIP passes had access to eat there. Since the security in the building is tight and strict, there's no problem with the JYP family having interaction among each other and having a lunch together. Sometimes they will have a feast with another group. They are interactive with each other as if they were like one big family.

"May I have a cup of cold Americano, a cheeseburger and a plate of french fries please?" She made her order at the counter first before joining her members.

"Sure Mina-ssi" a girl with long brown hair, wearing a cap and apron with 'Soul Cup Cafe' printed on it noted her orders.

"And yah, I also want some ketchup on my burger and fries."

The girl just nods while tapping the screen of the cashier machine with her fingertips. "The total is 15000 won Mina ssi" the cashier said while her eyes were still stuck on the screen, until she noticed that there was no response from Mina. It seems like Mina was lost in her thoughts while looking at the entrance door, like she was waiting for someone.

"Mina-ssi?" She waves her palm in front of Mina's face, making the latter flinch.

"Aaa, I'm sorry." Mina closed her eyes for a while and shook her head to gain back her attention to the cashier. "How much again?"

"15000 won, Mina ssi" The girl smiles, looking at Mina. 'Why is she so pretty and cute? Damn, i almost forgot she's an idol. That's why huh' her thoughts said about Mina. Of course, nobody would call Mina ugly when she's the black swan in Twice, the most elegant and also she's the pretty one.

Mina then quickly takes out the few pieces of notes from her purse and pays for her meal. "Thank you, Sullyoon-ssi," she adds after making a payment.

The girl named Sullyoon gave a brief smile to Mina and then asked her to take a seat and she will send Mina's order in a while. Mina turns her heels, subtly looking around the cafe until she notices one of her members, their Maknae, Dahyun who is now waving her hand on the air, signaling Mina to join them. Mina walks toward them and takes a seat beside Bambam, who had entered the cafe before her.

"Mina-unnie, I thought that you walked here with Chaeyoung Oppa just now, but I can't see him around here. Where is he?" Somi asks Mina while her gaze is peeking at the entrance door, looking for Son Chaeyoung.

"Ahh, yes, I walked with him, but suddenly he said he had things up, so he already went, i don't know where" Mina shakes her shoulders and pouts her lips.

"Is that so. It's okay, unnie. i will text him later. " Somi then continues eating her food. The other members also continue eating their meals. In front of Mina was Momo, who is now having a jeokbal after she finished a plate of chicken skewers and there's still untouched hamburger on her plate .

'I wonder how she can eat a lot of meals. How many tanks does she have in her stomach' Mina pours a smiles at Momo when her mind is gossiping about the latter, disbelieving Momo's eating ability.

"I know you are judging me inside your mind, Mina-yaa" Momo takes a glimpse at Mina and nonchalantly speaks to the girl while her mouth is still chewing the food nonstop.

"Stop talking and eat your food first, Momo yaa" Mina replied to her while shaking her head looking at her bestfriend. Momo leaves no response and just enjoys her food.

"Momo yaa, make sure you didn't sleep after eating a lot of food. We need to continue practice" Jeongyeon who sat at the end of the table shouted to Momo. She used to tease Momo since Momo may be the dumbest member, which means it's easy to get teased a lot but there's always Nayeon, the oldest, who will tease the ostrich back.

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