47 - GRIEF

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As Mina found herself strolling along the Han River, the image of Chaeyoung and Sana entwined in passion continued to haunt her thoughts. Sitting on a bench overlooking the tranquil waters, she felt a wave of overwhelming sadness wash over her.

Her heart felt as though it had been shattered into a million pieces, the pain of realizing that Chaeyoung's affections were no longer hers to hold anymore. Despite the glimmer of hope she had clung to, it was clear that Chaeyoung's heart belonged to another.

Confusion swirled within her as she tried to make sense of it all. Why had Chaeyoung been so kind to her lately if his heart truly belonged to someone else? Was this all just a cruel game orchestrated by Chaeyoung, a means of seeking revenge for the mistake she did to him in the past?

As she sat there, grappling with these painful thoughts and emotions, Mina couldn't help but feel lost and alone. The once familiar landscape of her heart now seemed foreign and unfamiliar, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty and pain.


As Jihyo made her way to Chaeyoung's penthouse, her mind buzzed with concern for both Mina and Chaeyoung. She couldn't shake off the unease she felt after encountering Mina in such distress.

Upon reaching the penthouse, Jihyo hesitated for a moment before pressing the doorbell. She waited anxiously, hoping that Chaeyoung would answer and provide some clarity to the situation.

When the door finally swung open, revealing Chaeyoung's tired but concerned face, Jihyo wasted no time in expressing her worries.

"Chaeyoung-aa, is everything alright? I heard your condition worsening. Yaa! Didn't you take your medicine?" Jihyo's voice was filled with genuine concern as she scanned his face for any signs of distress.

Chaeyoung, taken aback by Jihyo's unexpected visit, mustered a weak smile. "I'm fine, Jihyo. Just feeling a bit under the weather. Don't worry, I'm taking my medicine," he replied, though his eyes betrayed a hint of exhaustion.

Not entirely convinced by his response, Jihyo furrowed her brows, her concern deepening. "Are you sure? You don't look well," she pressed, her worry evident in her voice.

Chaeyoung sighed, realizing he couldn't easily dismiss Jihyo's concern. "It's been a long day, but I'll be alright," he reassured her, though his words lacked conviction.

Sensing his reluctance to share more, Jihyo decided not to push further. "Alright, just make sure to take care of yourself," she said softly, offering him a gentle smile.

Chaeyoung nodded gratefully, appreciating Jihyo's understanding. "Thank you, Jihyo-yaa. I will. Come in" Chaeyoung gestured her to come inside.

As Jihyo stepped inside the penthouse and settled on the couch in the living room as she couldn't shake off the worry that lingered in her mind. "Is something happened between you and Mina just now?" she inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.

Chaeyoung's brows furrowed in confusion at Jihyo's question. "Ehh ?? Mina?" he asked, his voice betraying his bewilderment. "Did she come here? I didn't meet her." He couldn't recall any recent interaction with Mina, leaving him puzzled by Jihyo's inquiry.

Before Jihyo could asked further, the door of a near the living room creaked open, and Tzuyu emerged, his appearance slightly disheveled. He was followed closely by Sana, who wore a curious expression on her face.

"Chae, who's coming at this late hour?" Tzuyu asked, his gaze shifting between Chaeyoung and Jihyo, trying to ascertain the situation. There was a hint of concern in his voice, wondering about the unexpected visitor.

Jihyo furrowed her brows as she glanced at Chaeyoung, silently questioning who Tzuyu was. Chaeyoung caught her expression and quickly introduced them. "Tzuyu-yaa, this is my friend Jihyo. She is just here to check on me," he said, gesturing towards Jihyo.

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