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As settled down in the cafe, Chaeyoung sensed someone is staring at on him and he averted his attention to that person. As Chaeyoung and Mina's eyes met, Chaeyoung winced. The pain was flushing back into his heart. Her anger rose when he realised it was actually Mina who had locked her eyes on him. Looking at her just sting Chaeyoung's heart and it made him want to walk out from the cafe.

His heart beat faster. He feel the heat surrounding the space, burning him inside. "Let's go now, Kazuha." Chaeyoung spoke, and stood up without waiting for Kazuha to respond, but unfortunately, he bumped into the waitress. "Fuck!!!" Chaeyoung cursed while gritting his teeth.

The coffee spilled all over his shirt, which made him in a big mess as a beast when everybody started looking him. He stared at the culprit who created the mess and found a girl bowing down a few times "sorry" uttered from her mouth repeatedly.

Chaeyoung clenched his fists in anger again after being bumped by the girl. "Watch your steps, idiot! Argh!!" He turned his back to the girl and hurriedly left the cafe, leaving the people in the cafe gossiping about his action.

Mina didn't expect his reaction to be like that. He scolded the girl, but why did Mina feel like he was meant to scold her instead? Is it because their eyes met one another?

"Do you really hate me now, Chaeng? Is it because of me that you have to be this cold?" It's really inducing Mina's pain right now. Guilt consumed herself, blaming herself that Chaeyoung changed because of her.

"Are you alright, Mina-yaa?..You are sweating a lot right now. Here" Momo handed her a tissue and snap Mina back into the world. Mina just hummed and nodded, "I'm fine Momo-yaa, dont worry i just feel little bit hot right now. I think they didn't turn on the air conditioner here"

All Twice's members paid more attention to Mina because they know Mina must be in suprise and confusion, especially when Chaeyoung is now returned and introduced himself as a vice president, piercing a question what else Mina didn't know about Chaeyoung. Their faces laced with worry.

"Mina yaa, you just drank coffee, not alcohol, right? Nobody turns on the air cooler in the winter. Are you a vampire living in coldness?" Momo jokingly asking her.

As Momo tried to lighten the situation, Mina giggle a bit right before Nayeon secretly pinches Momo's arm and she lets out a little whine and starts a little fight among them.

Jihyo rolled her eyes and let out a "shhh", which instantly makes the two pause and stop their actions, but then softly slap each other's arms in silence. Mina shook her head looking at those comedians but just for a while, she started to feel uneasy again.

Jeongyeon squinted her eyes, looking at the watch on her wrist. "Hey guys, 10 minutes more before our practice." Jeongyeon remained silent from the first time they entered the cafe remind them about their practice.

"Let's get going. LET'S GO LET'S GO!!! " Jihyo shouted while creating her sweetest gummy smile and stood up to lead their way to the practise room in excitation. Just when they moved out of the cafe and were heading to their practise room, Jihyo suddenly put her arms around Mina's shoulder. Mina saw a hint of sadness through Jihyo's face, like she knew exactly how Mina felt right now. Mina desperately wanted to tell her the truth, but the guilt really told her to not talk about it.

"Why can't I be like her? She is always there and defends everyone that she loves. While me? I keep blaming the one that I love and not fighting for him" Mina realised it's already too late for her defend Chaeyoung like Jihyo did because she just knew the truth when he's already gone.

Chaeyoung's heart was beating faster and sting as he felt like someone was rubbing salt into his open wounds. He growled as he enter his office, hitting the table to define his anger. He leans back against the againts the chair and closes his eyes, compose himself to not tremble.

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