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In the infirmary, Mina appeared lost in thought, her gaze fixed on a distant point, seemingly preoccupied with memories of Chaeyoung. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung observed Mina's distant expression, his own thoughts swirling as he tried to discern what was running through her mind.

Suddenly, Chaeyoung snapped his fingers to catch Mina's attention, breaking her reverie. "How far, Mina-yaa?" he asked, his tone sharp yet tinged with a hint of concern. He followed her gaze to the same spot she had been staring at, curious about what had captured her attention.

"Ehh? How far..what?" Mina asked, her forehead furrowed with noticeable wrinkles.

Chaeyoung clicked his tongue in mild annoyance. "Nothing," he replied curtly.

Just then, Mina's stomach growled audibly, and Chaeyoung couldn't help but notice. Shaking his head slightly, he reached into the plastic bag he had brought and handed it to Mina. "Here, I bought you some food. You should eat something," he said, his voice still cold.

Mina blushed slightly, a smile forming on her lips. It wasn't just because of her growling stomach, but also because she appreciated Chaeyoung's concern for her well-being, despite his cold demeanor.

"I need to go now, don't forget to eat," Chaeyoung stated, his voice still firm as he turned to leave.

"Thank you," Mina replied softly, expressing her gratitude. Then, with a hint of remorse in her tone, she added, "And I'm sorry, on behalf of Jeongyeon's behavior."

Chaeyoung's smirk was unmistakable as he responded, "It's not her fault, it's mine, because I was a liar." His smile carried a hint of sarcasm.

Feeling a bitter pang in her chest, Mina remained silent, her gaze lingering on Chaeyoung as he disappeared behind the door. She couldn't help but wonder what lay behind his confusing behaviour and whether there was any hope left for reconciliation between them.


In the meeting room at JYP Entertainment, there's a buzz of activity as people settle into their seats. The room is filled with the sound of conversations, with JYP's artists discussing various topics ranging from upcoming projects, JYPnations concernt. Some individuals are engrossed in their own thoughts, while others engage in last-minute discussions with their colleagues as everyone awaits the start of the meeting.

"Good morning, everyone" As Chaeyoung entered the meeting room, all eyes turned towards him, captivated by his commanding presence. His appearance was nothing short of stunning, exuding confidence and authority.

As Chaeyoung's presence filled the room, everyone instinctively bowed to him in a sign of respect, echoing a unified "Good morning, Sir."

Without wasting any time, Chaeyoung swiftly took control of the room. His authoritative tone left no room for hesitation as he declared, "Let's start the meeting, and please... no more unwell preparations unless you want to cancel this meeting again."

The atmosphere in the room instantly shifted to one of tense anticipation, with everyone keenly aware of Chaeyoung's sturdy command. Each person in attendance understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of adhering to Chaeyoung's directives without question.

After a few hours of intense discussion, suggestions, and some spirited debate between Chaeyoung and the artists, the meeting finally came to an end. Various ideas had been presented, evaluated, and ultimately decisions were made.

As Mina and Momo made their way out into the hallway, they were suddenly called out to by Hyunjin, the main dancer of Stray Kids. "Momo noona, Mina noona!" he exclaimed as he approached them with a friendly smile.

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