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The scenery at the Han River was breathtaking, with the shimmering water reflecting the golden rays of the setting sun. Peaceful and serene, the riverside was a perfect escape from the bustling city. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of laughter from passersby added to the calming ambiance.

As they continued walking, a comfortable silence settled between Chaeyoung and Mina. They didn't feel the need to fill the quiet with words, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment and the company of each other.

However, Chaeyoung couldn't resist breaking the silence after a while. "You know, Mina, I've always wondered something," he said, glancing at her with a playful gleam in his eyes.

Mina raised an eyebrow, curious about what Chaeyoung was going to say. "What is it?" she asked, intrigued.

"Well," Chaeyoung began, "which one of your Twice members is the biggest troublemaker? I'm sure there must be one!" he teased.

Mina laughed, pretending to contemplate his question. "Hmm, that's a tough one," she replied with a grin. "They're all pretty mischievous in their own ways. But if I had to pick, I'd say Nayeon unnie takes the crown as the biggest troublemaker!"

Chaeyoung chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Oh, I can definitely see that. Nayeon unnie seems like she knows how to have fun and keep everyone on their toes!"

Mina nodded, recalling some of the hilarious pranks and antics Nayeon had pulled on the other members. "You have no idea!" she said with a laugh. "Sometimes I wonder how we manage to survive with her around!"

As they continued their joking, Chaeyoung decided to share a funny story about Jeongyeon's mischievous side. "You know, Mina, Jeongyeon can be quite the troublemaker too," he said, a mischievous grin forming on his face.

Mina looked intrigued. "Oh, really? Tell me more!" she urged.

"Well," Chaeyoung began, "back when Nayeon, Jihyo, and I were trainees, Jeongyeon used to pull all sorts of pranks on us. She loved playing tricks on unsuspecting victims, especially on Nayeon and me."

Mina leaned in, eager to hear the story. "What kind of pranks did she pull?" she asked.

Chaeyoung chuckled, recalling the memory. "One time, we were all sitting together in the practice room, and Jeongyeon decided to sneak a whoopee cushion onto Nayeon unnie's chair," he said. "When Nayeon sat down, it made the loudest noise, and we all burst out laughing. Nayeon m was so surprised, and Jeongyeon couldn't stop giggling!"

Mina burst into laughter at the image of Nayeon falling victim to Jeongyeon's prank. "That sounds like something Jeongyeon unnie would do!" she said, trying to stifle her giggles.

Chaeyoung nodded, a fond smile on his face. "Oh, that's just one of many stories," he said. "Jeongyeon has always been the mastermind behind our funniest and most memorable moments."

As they walked and talked, Mina found herself enjoying these stories about Twice members and getting to know another side of Chaeyoung.

"So, Chaeyoung, tell me more about your life as one of my father's favorite students," Mina asked with a playful glint in her eyes. "What did you do to win him over?"

Chaeyoung scratched his head, chuckling sheepishly. "Well, I guess I was just really good at pretending to pay attention in class," he joked. "Your dad had a way of making even the most boring topics seem interesting, so I couldn't help but be engaged in his lectures."

Mina laughed, shaking her head. "You know, I've heard that from so many of his students," she said. "He has this magical ability to make any subject fascinating."

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