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As Twice bid their farewells, Chaeyoung courteously led them to the front door, expressing his gratitude for their visit. "Thank you all for coming. Take care and have a great schedule. I'll see you soon!"

Just as Chaeyoung closed the door behind them, the doorbell rang once again. Expecting it to be Twice returning for something they had forgotten, Chaeyoung swung the door open without a second thought. To his surprise, he found Bambam standing before him, wearing a smirk that indicated trouble.

Bambam coolly greeted Chaeyoung, his tone carrying a hint of underlying anger. "Hello, Chaeyoung. Long time no see. Mind if I come in?"

Chaeyoung, caught off guard by Bambam's unexpected presence, didn't offer a warm welcome. Instead, he responded with a cold tone, curiosity and tension evident in his voice. "What brings you here, Bambam?"

Bambam met Chaeyoung's coldness head-on. "I heard Mina's staying with you so I came to visit Mina. Is she here?"

Before Chaeyoung could answer, Mina appeared by the doorway, surprised to see Bambam standing there. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and delight at the sight of her sunbaenim. Without hesitation, she offered him entry. "Bambam oppa !! Why you didn't tell me that you will come here. Please come in."

Bambam nodded, striding past Chaeyoung without acknowledging him, leaving Chaeyoung feeling unsettled at the entrance. His unease grew as he observed Bambam and Mina engaging in conversation on the couch, stealing occasional glances while sitting at the dining table.

Mina, noticing that Chaeyoung hadn't joined them, gently called out to him. "Chaeyoung, why don't you join us? We're just catching up."

Chaeyoung, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions, reluctantly decided to join them, not wanting to draw attention to any underlying tension between him and Bambam. Mina remained unaware of the unresolved issues between the two.

Bambam, seemingly unfazed by Chaeyoung's presence, directed his attention towards Mina. He questioned her decision to stay with Chaeyoung, carefully choosing his words to subtly convey his doubts and concerns.

Chaeyoung, catching onto Bambam's intentions, attempted to counterback with a composed tone. "Bambam, Mina is a strong person. She made her decision, and I'm here to support her."

Mina, sensitive to the subtle change in Chaeyoung's voice, sensed the undercurrent of rage and uneasiness. She grew increasingly bewildered by the tension between Chaeyoung and Bambam, unsure of the depth of their history.

Unable to bear the weight of the situation any longer, Chaeyoung excused himself, retreating to his small office in the penthouse. His sudden departure left Mina feeling even more perplexed, while Bambam couldn't help but curve a smirk, relishing in the knowledge that Chaeyoung had left Mina alone with him.

After Bambam left, Mina come closer to Chaeyoung's office and opened the door slightly, she scanned the room,searching for Chaeyoung for a while. Her eyes darted around until they finally landed on him in his small office, deep in thought.

"Chaeyoung, there you are. I've been looking for you," Mina called out softly, concern lacing her voice and slowly stepped inside the office.

Chaeyoung, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor, casually asked, "Did Bambam leave already?"

Mina, sensing that something was amiss, replied, "Yes, he left. But Chaeyoung, is everything okay? You seem... off."

Chaeyoung's response was curt, his voice laced with frustration. "I'm fine. Just...next time, don't invite people to my house without my permission."

Mina gawked in disbelief, her brows furrowing. She couldn't comprehend Chaeyoung's sudden sternness. "Did you mean Bambam?"

Chaeyoung left no responses.

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