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As Mina laid in bed, seeking moments of solace and distraction, she decided to open the Bubble app on her phone. She scrolled through messages from her fans, hoping to find some uplifting words to bring her peace of mind.

Mina continued scrolling through the messages until she's found her favourite messages from Canine Teeth, a dedicated fan who had chosen a unique username. The messages were filled with heartfelt and humorous expressions of admiration:

From Canine teeth (15th August 2021, 8pm) :

Hey Mina, it's your friendly Canine Teeth here! I just wanted to let you know that you're my source of strength. Your music, your smile, and your talent brighten my day from afar. Keep shining, and remember that you have an lot of fans cheering you on

Mina couldn't help but feel touched by the words. The thought that her mere presence could bring joy and strength to someone she had never met in person warmed her heart.

Canine Teeth's messages continued, mixing humor with genuine appreciation

From Canine teeth (31 th August 2021, 10am) :

Every day, I wake up hoping for a glimpse of your radiant smile. You have no idea how much happiness you bring to my life, even though I'm just a fan with a unique username. Thank you for being the sunshine in my daily routine

Mina couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Canine Teeth finding solace and smiles in her existence. She wondered what kind of daily life this mysterious fan had and how sharing in her journey brought them joy.

Canine Teeth's messages took a slightly humorous turn as he ranted about his own life.

From Canine teeth (16 th October 2021, 4pm) :

Today, I spilled coffee on my favorite shirt. It was a real 'stain' on my day, but then I remembered your resilience and thought, 'If Mina can handle being a K-pop star, I can handle a little coffee mishap!' Thanks for unknowingly inspiring me, even in the most mundane moments.

Mina chuckles at the lighthearted comparison Canine Teethh drew between her life and his coffee mishap. It was amusing to think that her daily experiences could serve as motivation for someone else, even in unexpected ways.

As Mina's thoughts wandered to Canine Tooth, she couldn't help but feel a deep curiosity and admiration. She longed to know more about this mysterious person, to connect with them on a deeper level. It was as if a spark had ignited within her, gently whispering that she wanted Canine Tooth mre than just a fans.

In her heart, Mina yearned to learn about Canine Tooth's dreams, their daily life, and the struggles they faced. She wanted to share her world with them and to have meaningful conversations, was a strong desire to build a connection that surpassed the boundaries of friendship.

With a mixture of admiration, curiosity, and a longing for companionship, Mina carried these feelings in her heart, cherishing the moments they shared and eagerly anticipating what the future might hold.

As Mina's thoughts wandered to Canine Teeth and their heartfelt messages, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips. However, another image flashed through her mind, one that made her giggle uncontrollably. It was the memory of Chaeyoung, with missing teeth in a childhood photograph.

Mina couldn't help but find the timing of the thought amusing. The connection between Canine Teeth and missing teeth seemed too coincidental, almost suspicious. She brushed off the notion, not wanting to dwell on the humorous yet peculiar coincidence.

Deep down, Mina knew that Chaeyoung's missing teeth and the playful username of Canine Teeth were unrelated. It was simply a whimsical train of thought that had crossed her mind in the midst of her reflections.

However, a small part of her couldn't help but wonder if fate had a funny way of intertwining these seemingly unrelated moments. Mina quickly dismissed the thought, shaking her head and laughing at herself for entertaining such amusing yet far-fetched ideas.

After all, Chaeyoung and Canine Teeth were two entirely different entities in her life. Chaeyoung was maybe a friend to her while Canine Teeth was a cherished fan, hidden behind a playful username.

Still, the humor and timing of the connection brought a lightheartedness to Mina's thoughts. She couldn't deny the amusement that arose from the coincidence of missing teeth and the mysterious Canine Teeth.

With a playful smirk, Mina decided to keep this amusing connection to herself, knowing that it was simply a product of her imaginative mind. She chuckled, appreciating the lightness it brought to her thoughts and the touch of whimsy it added to her day.

Author's note ;

I guess you guys could figure out by now .. please figure it out cmon

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