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Mina's mind couldn't get over about what just happened between her Chaeyoung. Althought she said she wanted to call it off with Chaeyoung because she doesn't know him, but a sudden regret and guilty eat her slowly as she know what is actually the true reason for her to stay away from Chaeyoung. Anxious, pressure and fear are the true reasons of why she doesn't want to get along and be friend with anyone. Fear of what is done in her past, will repeating again. She's not ready to accept anyone new come in her life, not even as a friend. With all the mixed feelings she had, only her tiny heart keeps echoing her mind that Chaeyoung maybe right eventhought her thought keep denying.

The deep dark colour painted in night sky,showing that it's already late in the night when Mina arrived Twice's dorm. The dorm was unexpectedly so quiet because there's no one there. Mina make a guest that maybe her members still enjoying the company dinner and still having some funs. it feel little bit gloomy for her as she's all alone in their dorm. She then straightly going into her room. She threw herself on her bed and lay on her stomach. She buried her face with the pillow on her bed and stay in that position for a few minutes.

When she feels that she can't longer hold her breath, she changed her position. She lie down on his back and take a heavy breath for few times. Things just doesnt feel right for her right now when her mind couldnt move on from what Chaeyoung just said. She's debating between her thoughts and her heart. Her heart desperately want to know is Son Chaeyoung was right or not but her thoughts fights againts her heart.

"What's wrong with you, Mina!! Just don't think about it if you dont want to know the truth... but hmm why so hard to get rid of this freaking doubt feeling" she mumbles while both of her fists smacking her bed sheet and she lifted up her legs kicking the air. "Yaa Son Chaeyoung, why are you so suspicious !!!" She screams with lower pitch while gritted her teeth.

Mina then lazily pick her self up and upright sit on the bed. She slids her phone from her jeans pocket and scrolling her contact list and stop until she found it,

"DADDY PENGUIN 🐧" she clenched her phone tightly and stares at her father's contact name for few seconds, still in tiny confusion. "Just go with it Mina, push yourself together, let's dump this confusion okay?" She convince herself for one last time. She decide to call her father after she carefully think about it.

She placed her phone speaker closely to her ear.


"What !!! stop it Mina" Her uncertainty hits her again. She remove her phone and tries to end the call but...

"Hello my princess" Mr. Myoi on the other side already answered her call first before she could end it.

'Damn it, stupid Mina' She cursed under her breath, she massage her forehead because of her own stupidness.

She brings back her phone to her ears. "Hi...dad" She weakly greets her father.

"Hey, what's wrong?? you sounds not good there, is everything alright"

Mina gently slaps her cheeks and aggresively ruffles her hair when she realized that she didnt cover her weak messy voice. She then clear her throat "Nah, i'm just find daddy, everything just fine here" She voice acts cheerful but her face couldn't lie. She's safe as her dad couldn't see how does her pouting penguin face right now with her hair fallen all over her face. She looks so miserable.

"Alright honey. So what's up?"

She bit her lower lips as she still half-hearted to ask about the man that made her almost insane right now. "Nothing dad, just missing you and mom" she sigh.

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