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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over Jeju Island as Chaeyoung and Mina stepped onto the sandy path leading to the beach house. The air was filled with the scent of saltwater, and the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing melody.

Chaeyoung, ever the gentleman, insisted on carrying all the luggage after they arrived. Mina couldn't help but admire the way he effortlessly handled the things for her.

As they approached the beach house, Mina's eyes widened in amazement. The beach house was a picturesque with large windows that offered panoramic views of the ocean. The exterior was adorned with vibrant flowers, and a wooden porch invited relaxation with its comfortable chairs.

Entering the house, Mina found herself in a cozy living room decorated with nautical accents. The furniture exuded a comfortable elegance. Her eyes suddenly glued at the walls that were decorated with framed photographs capturing Chaeyoung's fond memories on the island.

"Waitt.... Is this your place, Chaeyoung-aaa??," Mina exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight.

He grinned, pleased with her reaction. "This is my family's place..do you like it?"

"This is incredible, Chaeyoung-aa" Mina couldn't hide how she was amazed by Chaeyoung, again and again.

"I'm glad you like it. I come here whenever I need a break from the city. It's my little piece of paradise." Chaeyoung took a deep cycle of breath, reminiscing the beautiful scenery and fresh air.

Chaeyoung led Mina to a spacious bedroom, where large windows allowed the sunlight to filter through billowing curtains. The room was tastefully decorated in calming shades of blue and white, creating a serene atmosphere.

Mina couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and gratitude. "It's like a dream, Chaeyoung. Thank you for bringing me here."

He took her hands gently, looking into her eyes. "Mina, this place is even better with you here. I've been looking forward to sharing it with you."


The sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the horizon as Chaeyoung and Mina prepared to head to the beach for a romantic evening. The salty breeze hinted at the promise of a beatiful night by the sea.

As they stood in front of the closet, deciding on their outfits, Chaeyoung playfully held up a vibrant Hawaiian shirt. "What do you think, babe? Should I go for the tropical vibe?"

Mina chuckled, shaking her head. "Maybe save that for another day Chaeng..We're going to the beach, not a luau."

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow, feeling offended. "Ouch, rejecting my fashion sense already?"

Mina grinned, grabbing a light summer dress. "I just want us to match the vibe, that's all."

They eventually settled on casual beachwear, a harmonious blend of comfort and style. Chaeyoung, feeling the warmth of the evening, chose for only a pair of short and no shirt that showcased his well-toned physique.

As they approached the beach, the sound of waves grew louder, and the smell of salt hung in the air. The beach was a canvas of tranquility, illuminated by the soft hues of the setting sun.

However, a mischievous glint sparkled in Chaeyoung's eyes. With a sly grin, he scooped up some sand and let it fall gently over Mina's shoulder. "Oops, got a little sandy there."

Mina shot him a playful glare, revenging by grabbing a handful of sand and tossing it his way. A giggly moment happened, with both of them care-freely enjoy of the moment.

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