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The air was thick with a palpable awkwardness, a testament to the newfound vulnerabilities laid bare between them. Mina's sobs were soft, yet each one resonated within Chaeyoung, underscoring the gravity of their situation. He stood motionless, her body pressed against his, her tears a warm, damp reminder on his shirt.

He wanted to turn around, to face her, to confront the pain he had caused, but the fear of seeing her so distraught because of him was overwhelming. Yet he couldn't ignore her need for solace, With a deep, steadying breath, Chaeyoung mustered the courage to slowly turn within the circle of her arms until he was facing her.

Mina's face was streaked with tears, each one a silent reproach, and Chaeyoung's heart clenched at the sight. Gently, his warm fingers trailed along her cheeks, wiping the tears that continued to fall. His touch was tender, an unspoken apology for the emotions that had spilled over because of his silence.

"I'm so sorry, Mina," he whispered, his voice strained with emotion. "I never wanted to hurt you. I was scared.....scared of losing you, scared of changing what we had. I'm sorry for hiding behind Canine Teeth, for not being brave enough to tell you the truth."

Mina's eyes, red-rimmed with a mix of sadness and relief, met his eyes. In that moment, all the strength she had tried to hold onto seemed to fade away, and she allowed herself to become entirely vulnerable in his embrace. Her walls crumbled, and she leaned into him, her head resting against his chest. The rhythm of his heartbeat was a comforting drumbeat against the storm of her emotions.

As Chaeyoung wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, Mina felt the tension begin to drain from her body. She was exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster, from the secrets kept and revealed. In his embrace, she found safe place despite the chaos, they were in this together.


Chaeyoung woke up with a stretch and a yawn, his mind quickly recalling the intense emotions of the previous night. He shook off the drowsiness and headed straight to his small gym. Working out was his way of getting his head straight, especially now that he needed it more than ever.

Across the hall, Mina slowly opened her eyes. The memories of their heartfelt conversation stirred within her as she sat up. The first thing on her mind was Chaeyoung, and she couldn't help but wonder where he was. Slipping out of bed, she padded softly through the penthouse in search of him.

Through the half-open door of the gym, she spotted Chaeyoung lifting weights, his focus on his form. Watching him, last night's confession replayed in her mind, and a warm feeling spread through her chest. He was the one, Canine Teeth, her source of comfort all this time. A grateful smile crept onto her face as she leaned against the doorframe, lost in thought.

Chaeyoung, mid-lift, finally noticed Mina's reflection in the mirror. He almost dropped the weights in surprise but managed to set them down with a clank. Turning to face her, he couldn't help but tease, "You know, it's impolite to stare."

Mina rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Just making sure you don't drop those on your foot. That'd be a great start to the day, huh?"

He chuckled, wiping the sweat from his brow with a towel. "And here I thought you were admiring me" he flexed playfully, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Oh please, I've seen better," Mina shot back, though her teasing tone betrayed her amusement.

"Ouch," he feigned hurt, placing a hand over his heart. "You wound me, Mina. After the heartfelt confession, this is the thanks I get?"

Mina laughed, the sound light and genuine. She walked over and playfully punched his shoulder. "Okay, hero. Keep pumping that iron. Just don't forget to save some energy for the real world."

He grinned at her, the banter easing the lingering tension between them. "Don't worry, I've got plenty of energy. Especially if it means keeping up with you."

The playful exchange marked a return to their familiar dynamic, a sign that no matter what happened, they could find their way back to the easy friendship that had always been the foundation of their bond.

"Come on, Mina, why don't you join me?" Chaeyoung nudged, a teasing lilt in his voice. "It'll be fun, and you could probably use a good stretch after last night's emotional marathon."

Mina raised an eyebrow, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Fine, but if I end up sore today, I'm blaming you," she retorted playfully.

"Deal," he said with a grin. "Let's start with something simple. How about squats?"

Mina nodded, and they positioned themselves in an open space in the gym. Chaeyoung demonstrated the proper stance and motion, then watched as Mina attempted to mimic the exercise. As she descended into her first squat, he noticed her form was off.

"Wait, hold on," he said quickly, stepping behind her. "Your form isn't quite right. Let me help you."

Mina felt a rush of warmth as Chaeyoung's hands found her waist, guiding her gently. "Bend down slowly, more slowly," he instructed, his voice soft and close to her ear.

The atmosphere in the room shifted palpably, the air charged with an electric current as he helped her with the movement. Mina was acutely aware of his hands on her, the steady pressure of his touch, and the way his body aligned with hers to guide her form.

His proximity was unexpected, and Mina's breath hitched slightly at the contact. She could feel the heat radiating from him, and she couldn't help but be aware of every point where their bodies were nearly touching. The professional distance they had maintained during the exercise was quickly dissolving into something more intimate.

Chaeyoung, too, felt the change in the air. His hands on her waist felt more personal than he had intended, and he was suddenly conscious of the curve of her body beneath his palms, the softness of her skin, and the scent of her hair.

For a moment, they both remained still, the only sound in the room the quiet huff of their breathing. The simplicity of a squat had transformed into a charged moment, one that neither of them had anticipated when they stepped into the gym that morning.

Chaeyoung heart beats faster when Mina suddenly stands up and abruptly turns around to face him. Mina's sudden movement caused a ripple of tension between them. Chaeyoung, caught off-guard, was now staring into her eyes, hands still resting on her waist.

There was a moment of silence as Mina looked to him for feedback, "Am I doing good?" But he was speechless, his usual eloquence stolen by the sight of her.

Their eyes locked, and a silent conversation unfolded. The rapid drumming of his heart seemed to echo in the space around them, each beat amplifying his awareness of her. The gym, with all its scattered equipment, faded into irrelevance as Chaeyoung took in Mina's beauty.

Mina's hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, giving her an air of effortless grace. Her eyes, always so expressive, were wide and searching, the light catching them in a way that made them sparkle. But it was the small, unique details that truly captivated him, the delicate moles that adorned her nose and the one that sat near the curve of her lips, like a secret signature of her beauty.

Chaeyoung's gaze drifted to her lips, and in that instant, his hesitation vanished. Without a second thought, he closed the gap between them. Their lips met in a kiss that was both impulsive and deeply felt, a collision of emotion and longing that had been building beneath the surface.

Mina's fingers found Chaeyoung's chest, resting there lightly, as if to steady herself against the sudden swell of feelings. Her other hand wound its way to the nape of his neck, pulling him gently but firmly into the kiss, deepening their connection.

Chaeyoung's hand on her waist tightened,his body responding to her touch with a yearning that had been quietly growing.

The kiss was a silent answer to Mina's question, a wordless affirmation that, yes, she was doing more than good, she was everything he hadn't realized he'd been looking for.


Well the flowers are blooming right ???

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