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The morning unfolded, painting Mina's bedroom with a dreamy ambience. As she stirred from her deep sleep. Curiosity bubbled within her, wondering if Chaeyoung had returned home.

Carefully, she tiptoed to the door and peeked into his room. There, under the soft glow of morning light filtering through the curtains, she saw Chaeyoung. He was nestled under his blanket, a thin layer of beard on his chin signaling the exhaustion that had taken residence on his face. His usually meticulous appearance now bore the signs of sleepless nights and busyness.

Mina observed him closely, her gaze capturing the details she hadn't noticed before. The way his messy hair fell over his forehead, the subtle undisturbed mole on his cheek, and the tired lines etched across his face. A mixture of concern and affection welled up within her as she took in the sight of Chaeyoung in his vulnerable, unguarded state.

She couldn't deny the thought that danced in her mind Chaeyoung was handsome, even in his disheveled morning state. The warmth of the rising sun painted a dreamy atmosphere in her room, amplifying the gentle affection she felt for him.

Feeling a surge of playfulness, she decided to wake him up. Gently shaking his shoulder, she cooed, "Chaeyoung, wake up. You need to start the day."

A low groan escaped from Chaeyoung's lips as he mumbled, "Five more minutes, Mina."

Unable to resist teasing him, Mina smirked. "Five more minutes? You sound like a teenager. Come on, sleepyhead, rise and shine!"

Despite her efforts, Chaeyoung remained stubborn, clinging to the remnants of sleep. Mina, feeling mischievous, hatched a playful plan. She tiptoed to the edge of the bed and, with a swift motion, decided to pull off the blanket covering him.

However, the unexpected sight that met her eyes left her frozen for a moment. Chaeyoung, in all his morning glory, was there with no shirt, clad only in his boxer shorts. Shocked, Mina let out a startled scream, her cheeks flushing instantly.

"Ah! What are you doing?" she exclaimed, averting her eyes but still unable to suppress a nervous giggle.

The room was filled with a mixture of embarrassment and laughter. Chaeyoung, realizing the situation, quickly grabbed a nearby pillow to cover himself. His cheeks were tinged with a rosy hue as he stammered, "M-Mina, you should've warned me before doing something like that!"

Unable to contain her laughter, Mina grinned. "Well, you should've woken up when I asked nicely. Now, that's what you get for being a sleepyhead."

Chaeyoung's attempts to regain some semblance of modesty only made Mina laugh harder. "I promise I won't try any morning wake-up pranks again. Lesson learned," she said between laughs.

As the awkwardness subsided, Chaeyoung, still clutching the pillow, managed to mutter, "You're the most mischievous morning person I've ever met."

Mina, wiping away a tear from laughing, playfully replied, "Well, mornings should be fun, right?"

Their banter continued as they exchanged light-hearted remarks, turning the initial awkwardness into a shared moment of laughter. The warmth in the room wasn't just from the morning sun; it was the easy camaraderie that had developed between Mina and Chaeyoung.

After a while, still chuckling, Mina proposed, "Okay, let's get some breakfast. I promise no more pranks. Deal?"

Chaeyoung, finally surrendering to the morning, grinned. "Deal. But only if you let me choose the music for breakfast."

With an exaggerated sigh, Mina agreed, "Fine, as long as it's not too embarrassing."

And so, their morning continued, filled with laughter, playful banter, and a growing connection that went beyond mere friendship. In the heart of these shared moments, Mina and Chaeyoung discovered that even the most embarrassing situations could turn into memories that would make them smile for days to come.

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