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The kiss in the gym had left Mina and Chaeyoung in a bubble of silence, each processing the unexpected leap in their relationship. But before either could speak, the doorbell's chime pierced their quiet world, and Chaeyoung, slightly disheveled, went to answer the door.

Upon opening it, he found Nayeon and Somi holding bags that filled the hallway with the aroma of fresh pastries and coffee. They beamed at him, blissfully unaware of the moment they'd just interrupted.

"Good morning!" Nayeon announced cheerily as she breezed past Chaeyoung. "We brought reinforcements," she said, lifting the bags slightly.

Somi followed, nodding in agreement. "Yep, we decided Mina needed a proper breakfast to recover, and who could say no to food?" she added with a wink.

Chaeyoung, still reeling from the kiss, managed a grateful smile. "Thanks, you guys are lifesavers," he said, though his mind was elsewhere.

As they entered the living area, Nayeon glanced around and noticed Mina came out from the gym, her cheeks still held a rosy flush. "Wow, Mina, you look... well-exercised. Do we have Chaeyoung to thank for that?" she asked with a playful nudge.

Mina, caught off guard, stuttered a response. "Oh, I was just, um, working on some... stretches."

Somi, unpacking the breakfast, chimed in with a grin. "Stretches, huh? I need to learn your routine; you two seem positively glowing this morning!"

Chaeyoung, attempting to divert attention from their earlier intimacy, quickly jumped in. "So, who's hungry? Let's eat!"

Chaeyoung, with a playful smile, pulled out a chair for Somi and gestured with a flourish. "Your seat, madame. Only the best for our guest of honor," he said, his tone dripping with mock formality.

Somi chuckled as she sat down, "Oh, I see how it is. You only treat me this nice when there's an audience," she playfully accused, elbowing Chaeyoung gently in the side.

"Hey, I'm nice to you at least once a year, remember? It's in our friendship contract," Chaeyoung retorted, winking at her.

From across the table, Mina watched their interaction. Their rapport was natural and filled with a comfort that only came from years of knowing each other. She couldn't help but feel a pinch in her heart, a silent reminder that their connection had once been deeper.

Nayeon, picking up on the dynamic and always ready to stir the pot, turned her attention to Chaeyoung with a flirty grin. "Chaeyoung, you're handing out VIP seats? Where's mine? Or do I need to earn it?" she said, batting her eyelashes jokingly.

"Aaaaa...., Nayeon.... for you, we have a special spot right here," Chaeyoung replied, tapping another empty spot beside him.

Nayeon laughed, with a sly smile. "As tempting as that is, I won't steal the spotlight from Somi. She's the guest of honor, after all."

The playful exchange sent another jolt through Mina's chest, the sting of jealousy a bit sharper this time. She knew they were all friends and that the flirting was harmless, but it was hard not to feel a little possessive over Chaeyoung, even if they hadn't put a label on whatever was blossoming between them.

Trying to shake off the feeling, Mina decided to join the conversation with a light-hearted jab of her own. "I'm starting to think I should have brought breakfast. It seems like the easiest way to get some attention around here." Her comment drew laughter from the group.

Throughout the meal, the humor and friendly banter continued, but Mina's laughter was sometimes forced as she navigated the complex emotions of watching these two girls flirt with Chaeyoung.

The lighthearted banter continued, but eventually, Nayeon and Somi had to leave, and the room fell silent. Mina and Chaeyoung were alone, and the memory of their kiss hung in the air like a delicate bubble, neither wanting to be the one to pop it.

They began to tidy up the table, but with the nervous energy, it was like their limbs had minds of their own. Chaeyoung reached for a spoon just as Mina did, resulting in a stuttered apology and a blush from both of them.

"Oh, sorry.....uh, you go first," Chaeyoung stammered.

"No, no, it's fine, you were... closer," Mina said, her voice trailing off.

The awkwardness was palpable, and it seemed to make their movements jittery. As they shuffled around the table, carefully avoiding each other's eyes, Mina leaned over to wipe a spot on the table, not noticing Chaeyoung bending down to pick up a fallen napkin. In a moment of pure accident, her elbow punched sharply with Chaeyoung's manhood.

Chaeyoung let out a pained gasp, his eyes widening as he straightened up, his face contorting in discomfort. "Auchh......that's... that's my, um.......Mina....."

Mina's eyes shot up, her face flushing with horror. "Oh my gosh, Chaeyoung! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't see you there, and my elbow just......yours...I'm sorry"

"It's okay, it's okay," Chaeyoung managed to say, though his voice was an octave higher as he tried to laugh it off. "Just... give me a minute."

They both stood there, Mina mortified and Chaeyoung trying to breathe through the pain, the silence now filled with a new kind of tension. After a few moments, Chaeyoung gave her a weak thumbs-up, signaling he would survive.

Despite the unfortunate incident, they couldn't help but start to giggle at the absurdity. Mina reached out, gently patting Chaeyoung's arm. "You're... you're really tough, you know that?"

"Yup, tough as... as overcooked noodles," Chaeyoung joked, still a bit breathless.

Their laughter helped to dissolve some of the embarrassment, and they continued to clean up, now with even more care to maintain a safe distance. They moved through the awkwardness, still feeling the flutters of those butterfly moments knowing that this was just another story they'd eventually look back on and laugh about together.


As the afternoon sun began to dip, Chaeyoung stood before a full-length mirror, slipping into a role that felt more like a costume than a true reflection of who he was. He carefully dressed in a complete suit ensemble that transformed him from Son Chaeyoung into Justine Park..

The suit was charcoal gray, meticulously tailored to his frame, with sharp lines that made his silhouette appear even more commanding. He paired it with a light gray shirt and a dark tie that was the perfect balance between professional and stylish. His hair, usually worn in a more relaxed style, was now slicked back, giving him a polished and refined look.

His shoes were glossy and black, the kind that clicked authoritatively on marble floors. Every accessory, from his watch to his cufflinks, was understated yet exuded a quiet luxury. He was the kind of man who walked through the doors of high-rise buildings and was greeted with nods of recognition.

Mina watched him, her expression a mix of awe and confusion. There was something familiar about his looks of Chaeyoung, a nagging feeling that she had seen this version of this man figure somewhere before. But the thought was elusive, slipping through her fingers like water each time she tried to grasp it.

"You look really... I mean, someone else" Mina managed to say, her voice trailing off as she struggled to reconcile this version of Chaeyoung with the one she knew.

Chaeyoung caught her gaze, offering a half-smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Heyy Mina. It's just something I have to do."

She nodded, though the bewilderment was clear on her face. As he turned to leave, Mina felt a sense of loss, as if the Chaeyoung she had come to know was being hidden beneath layers of fabric and expectations.

"See you later," he said, his tone carrying a hint of regret for the pretense he had to maintain.

Mina waved, still trying to shake the feeling that she was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. As the door closed behind him, she was left with a lingering curiosity, wondering who is Son Chaeyoung really was. His departure left her with more questions about him . She felt there are a lot of secrets about the person she named Son Chaeyoung

Author's note

Im plotting something that can give my readers butterfly in the stomach 🤣

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