25 - IT'S YOU

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The night sky was clear, stars scattered like a handful of glitter thrown across a black canvas. It was the kind of night that promised quiet and peace, with a hush that seemed to settle over the city.

Mina sat on her couch, occasionally glancing at the door. Time ticked by slowly as she listened for the familiar sound of keys and the door opening. She was patient, her mind occasionally wandering to what Chaeyoung might say when he arrived.

When Chaeyoung finally came in, his face was etched with exhaustion. Mina noticed right away that Chaeyoung was dressed formally, in a suit and tie that seemed out of place at this late hour.

'Did he go to a meeting? Or something else work-related?' she wondered. It was odd, considering he was supposed to be on leave. Her thoughts swirled with curiosity and a flicker of concern.

Chaeyoung, noticing Mina on the couch, approached with caution. He was clearly unsure, probably worried that the remnants of last night's argument were still fresh in her mind.

Their conversation began awkwardly, with Chaeyoung breaking the silence. "Hey," he started, his voice tentative. "I didn't expect you still up." Mina responded with a polite nod, masking the turmoil of questions in her head. "I couldn't sleep," she said simply, leaving the silence hanging for him to fill.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath, seemingly gathering the shards of his composure. "Have you had dinner yet?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of concern that almost seemed out of place given the formality of his attire.

Mina shook her head gently, "No, not yet," her eyes not leaving his.

"I could make us something," Chaeyoung offered, a tentative step toward normalcy. "It's late, but you need to eat." There was a sincerity in his offer that felt like a silent peace offering, a way to mend the bridge that last night's words had frayed.

Mina's curiosity was piqued as she watched him shrug off his jacket and roll up his sleeves. There was a fluidity to his movements that reminded her of the messages from Canine Teeth. Had she ever seen Chaeyoung write? She tried to recall the precise way the mysterious fan's messages were composed, the warmth that seemed to radiate from the screen, the comfort she felt as if the words were a protective embrace.

As Chaeyoung busied himself in the kitchen, Mina's thoughts were a whirlwind. Canine Teeth's messages always seemed to appear when she needed them most, full of understanding and support.

Mina's mind raced with possibilities. Could Chaeyoung, with his understanding of her highs and lows, be the same person who wrote those messages that often felt like a lifeline? She tried to match the voice she had imagined for Canine Teeth with Chaeyoung's, but it was difficult. Canine Teeth had always been a comforting, almost ethereal presence in her life, while Chaeyoung was tangibly there, with his own complexities and warmth.

The scent of food started to fill the penthouse, a comforting blend of spices and freshness that seemed to pull Mina from her reverie. Chaeyoung called out from the kitchen, "It's almost ready. Could you set the table?"

As she laid out the plates and utensils, Mina's mind was still on the diary she'd found, the messages from Canine Teeth that now felt so close to home. The diary had been tucked away in a place that Chaeyoung thought was private, a place where he kept his personal belongings. It was a breach of privacy, she knew, but the discovery was accidental, and now it sat heavy on her conscience.

Sitting at the table, they ate mostly in silence. The food was delicious, but the unspoken questions and thoughts loomed over them like a cloud.

Mina was the one to break the silence, her voice hesitant but driven by a need to know. "Chaeyoung," she started, and he looked up, his eyes wary, "I've been receiving messages from a fan, Canine Teeth. They've helped me a lot." She paused, watching his face for any flicker of recognition or surprise.

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