Im right here, matt.

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Requested by anonymous09writer

" y/n, please come over to the paradise inn, matts having a breakdown and he wants you. Please, he needs you!" Chris begs down the phone line. I grab my shoes and run to the car and grab the location from chris' text.

Me and matt both suffer from anxiety and we have both had our fair share of anxiety attacks, mine usually to do with social settings. And his mostly due to certain issues from his huge following, and certain fan interactions.

When i get to the hotel i see a bunch of screaming girls at the front of the entrance and cameras flash in my face. Oh no. This. Is. Not. Good. WHERES MATT!!

" whats the matter, where is he?" I demand when i see nick and chris on both their phones pacing around the receptionist floor. Nick points to the toilets and i knock on the mens door. Its a single toilet so i should be able to go in and confort him.

" matt its me, can i come in." I ask, my voice a whisper. He needs me to be calm. I hear the door unlock and im soon being pulled into the small cubical.

" i can't do that." He breathes,heavily, he sits on the toilet lid. His breathing is ragged and i start to rub my hand up and down his back.

" why, can't you do it?" I ask, his breathing calms and he looks up at me. I hold his face in my hands and rub his cheeks, skimming my finger over his lip.

" theres so many people, what if they...i don't know." He trails off and my heart sinks.

" its going to be okay, ill be there, chris and nick will be there. Plus i wont let go of your hand." I reassure him and a faint smile pulls at his lips. He gives in and smiles, i love that smile.

"Have we got a deal." I say and he sheepishly checks his red eyes and clasps my hand and i run my thumb over his.

" lets go." Matt says and we meet nick and chris and we lead matt to the car calmly and matt feels a-lot better when we get into the car. Thank god!

Matt Sturniolo imagines. Where stories live. Discover now