Girl dad :) + insta!

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Its Mary Lous birthday and were taking our new baby. Shes 1 and a half year old and matt has been the best dad since the second she was born.

" come on babe, were already late." I say and walk down the stairs to see matt playing with barbies with Lilly. I tell them its both time to go and she pouts but matt grabs her barbie and leads her out the door on his hip. He buckles her in and i put the bag and gift in the trunk.

We pull into the driveway and i get Lilly out the back and hold her hand and walk her in. Matt follows and as soon as she sees matts parents and brothers she goes running to them. " happy birthday mom." Matt says and Mary Lou kisses his cheek and picks up Lilly.

" theres my favourite niece." Chris shouts and Lilly smiles. He picks her up and twirls her around. " Chris." She says playfully and he pokes her stomach and she giggles.

" how are you." Mary Lou asks me and i smile. " im okay, still tired. Because im up at night feeding her but i lay in the morning." I smile and she does too. I go into the living room and sit with nick and Chris and jimmy. Lilly is showing jimmy his barbie doll and shes giggling like crazy.

" are they matching? Thats so cute." Nick asks and points to matt and Lilly wearing pink shirts and light blue jeans. " she made me." He looks at nick and Lilly jumps off jimmy's lap and runs to matt. He lifts her and she perches on his lap.

Mary Lou comes out and says dinner is in about an hour and Lilly whines. " im hungry." She whines and matt picks her up and takes her through to the kitchen on his hip. " ill get her a snack." He says and she smiles as he takes her in.

She comes back in with a bowl of orange segments. She sits on the floor next to Trevor and eats her orange. Shes still so small that when she lays on her belly shes the same size as him. She laughs at the cartoons on the tv and Trevor lays against her. 

" come on Lilly, dinner." Matt says and she follows us all in. I sit her next to me but she whines that she wants matt next to her.

"  can you cut it daddy?" She asks and points to the chicken on her plate. He cuts it and she smiles. " thank you." She sings and nick and Chris laugh. " shes got you wrapped around her finger." Chris says and matt rolls his eyes.

" i think you were always destined for a girl, baby." I say and pat his shoulder. He smiles and we all eat. After dinner nick lights the candles for the birthday cake he brought over. We all sing and Mary Lou blows the candles out Which sends Lilly into a giggle fit. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY." She shouts and i laugh.

Matts pov:

Later on when were going into our house Lilly trips up the stairs and starts to wail. I pick her up and cradle her and wipe her tears.

" its okay baby." I say and she sobs into my chest. I take her upstairs and get her changed into my pyjamas. " come on lets get you a bottle." I take her downstairs and give her a bottle of warm milk and she lays with y/n on the sofa while y/n reads to her.

When her eyes become heavy y/n takes her upstairs to bed. I kiss her head before y/n takes her up. " love you baby." I whisper and she smiles before her eyes flutter closed.

Y/n comes down later and shes smiling. " she just whispered before going to bed, i love my dad." Y/n laughs and i do too. " i hope we have all girls." I say and she smiled. " oh you were born to be a girl dad." She says and i smile. I put my arm around her and smile.

@y/n - location - not getting sleep :)

@y/n - location - not getting sleep :)

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@y/n - Lilly couldn't have a better father

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@y/n - Lilly couldn't have a better father. Thank you for being the best dad in the whole world. I love you. BEST. GIRL. DAD. EVER! 🫶😘🎀

Comments - 83 (limited comments)

@chris- fav niece 🥹

@nicolassturniolo - the dad pose is killing me LMAO 😂
Reply - @matt- still rockin it though.

@marylou - shes so precious. Love you both! X

@madi - your both killing it. Love u both!!!

@nicolassturniolo - so cute! <3

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@matt- location - napping!

@matt- location - napping!

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@matt- my two angels 👼

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