Enemies to lovers :) (2)

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I wake up to the sound of light snores and im so shocked when i wake up to see myself in bed with matt. What the fuck happened last night?

I get up and scramble to get my clothes off the floor and i sprint quietly and head for the front door. I sneak away and begin walking down the street.

" y/n, where are you going?" Matt shouts and i force myself to just walk down the street and ignore him. I feel really bad and have to turn around but im smacked in the face when i see his face emotionless.

" i have to go home." I shout and he shakes his head to himself and walks up to me. " talk to me about what happened last night." He pleads and i grip my pile of clothes tighter to my chest.

" what do i say? It was a mistake! You hate me." I say and rush down the street and wait until i turn the corner to start crying. My house is another block and when i get into the house i try and sneak away from my family eating breakfast but i cant help it and when a sob escapes my mouth my mom snaps her head around.

" Honey, what happened?" My mom asks and holds me in her arms, the clothes in my arms drop to the floor and i sink into her arms. " Connor, he cheated on me." I choke out and she presses her hand to the back of my head. " sweetie, its going to be okay, you get showered and well eat some breakfast." She smiles and i nod and scramble up the stairs.

My phone rings when im in the shower and its the last person i thought it would be and i answer. " im sorry, talk to me." Connor breathes down the line and i roll my eyes. " go and fuck yourself." I shout and get back in the shower.

My family head out to my grandmas but i decide to stay home because my eyes are red and im just exhausted.

The doorbell rings and i sigh before getting the door, its probably the neighbour. Its not, its matt. And Connor just showed up.

" y/n tell this dick to go home." Connor shouts and tries to make his way into the house, i block the door and he looks taken back that i havent just gave in. " no, you go home Connor." I say and push him down the stairs. He grabs my arm and as soon as i leave the house and get pulled down the stairs matt jumps and pushes Connor away.

" go inside y/n." He orders me and for once i just do what he says and close the door behind me, it feels like they have been out there for hours but just minutes later matt walks in.

" he wont be coming back for a while." He smiles and i stan in the doorway, my hand on my hips. " what?" He asks and i ask him what he wants.

" did you not like kissing me last night, i mean every word i said, i really like you." He explains and i deflate and let him in, he sits on the arm chair and i curl up on the sofa.

" why did you hate me, and now you suddenly LOVE me." I ask and he shifts uncontrollably and i raise my brows. " i never hated you, well i kind of did but i didn't also. I was just mad because i knew i could never have you. But last night when i kissed you everything just felt natural." He rambles on and i nod. I join him on the arm chair and curl up against him.

" I've always liked you, believe me i just thought- i thought, i dont know you just thought i was ugly." I start and he shuts me up by cradling my face in his hands. " god no, absolutely not. You give me butterflies whenever i see you." He blushes and i smile and kiss the corner of his mouth.

" i want you so bad." I whisper and he smiles into my mouth. " you dont know how much I've wanted to hear those words." He says and i kiss him.

Matt stays over until my family get back, he has dinner and then decides to go home. " so were good." He asks and i nod.

" i want to go slow, i really want you but im still healing from Connor." I say and he nods in admiration and kisses my forehead.

" i can do slow y/n." He says and walks off down the curb. I fall to sleep to think about my soon to be official relationship, with matt!!

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