Im not your ex.

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Requested by Obessedwithrockstars enjoy!

Me and matt are in the mall and im getting nee clothes for summer, were walking around a clothes store and i pick up a summer dress.

" you like?" I ask and hold it in front of me as i if i were wearing it. " its cute, my ex used to wear them all summer." He smiles and i roll my eyes and put it back on the rack.

" lets pay, im done." I say and matt pays for my clothes and we get to the car and we drive home in silence, i dont feel like talking to him.

" whats up." Matt asks and looks at me sulking in the passenger seat. " nothing." I reply, sarcastically and he dosent catch on so we drive to the house in silence.

I walk in and Nick is at the kitchen island eating cereal and i walk over and start showing him my clothes.

" thats so cute." He exclaims and matt says he's going upstairs to play on his computer.

" Nickkkk." I asks and he raises a brow. " what." He asks, warily. " what was matts ex like." I ask and he must think im joking because he bursts out laughing.

" she was nice at the start but she was a bitch after the 3 month mark, she broke his heart." Nick explains and i widen my eyes and shake my head. " well at the store i was thinking about this summer dress but he told me that his ex used to wear them all the time, and i was like no." I laugh and nick looks horrified.

" she only wore them because her NAME was summer." Nick laughs and i now look horrified.

" thats funny, okay thanks." I say and head upstairs to sit with matt. What he said may have just been an accident, may have slipped out.

*A couple days later.*

" y/n are you ready." Matt shouts and i shout yes back, were going out to dinner and im still getting ready, i put my hair into pigtails and run down the stairs.

" coming, im here." I say and walk out to the car, matt slings his arm around me and we get in the car.

" i love you hair, summer used to wear it like that all the time." He whispers and kisses the side of my head. I fight back tears and lean my cheek against the glass window.

We are seated at our booth and i excuse myself to the bathroom and take out my hair and just put in a simple ponytail. I dont want to look like summer.

I wipe my tears away and check myself in the mirror, i walk back to the table and sit back down, nick looks up and decides to not say anything.

" why did you change your hair." Matt whispers and anger flares up in me, how can he not see.

" im not your ex, so stop comparing me to her." I whisper back and rest my head on my hands and look into the conversation.

" y/n can you show me where the bathroom is." Matt asks loud so everyone can hear him, he nudges me up with his arm and i follow him.

" what are you talking about." He asks and i open my mouth. " you said yesterday that your ex wore summer dressed like the one i picked up and today you say my hair looked like hers, im not her." I scold him and he looks embarrassed for a moment.

" im sorry i didn't realise it was that bad." He apologises, but it dosent feel like an apology.

" thats not an apology, go piss and then apologise." I say and walk out into the restaurant, he walks into the bathroom and i talk to the others.

When matt walks out he dosent talk to me directly but he joins into the conversation and we sit politely for the rest of dinner.

" ill drive you guys home then y/n." He says when were out in the car park. After we drop of his brothers he drives me home and parks up outside my house.

" listen im so sorry for what i said i was just not thinking." He apologises and i remember what nick said about her breaking his heart.

" nick told me that she was a bitch by the end." I whisper and he nods his head in almost shame. " it wasn't your fault, its okay." I say and lift his head up in my hands.

" im sorry y/n i just didn't think, i have no reasonable explanation." He whispers and i nod along.

" its okay, just dont do it again." I say and kiss him and jump out the car and walk to his window. " im serious." I say and he laughs and leans over to kiss me. I smile and walk back into the house. On my way to buy a summer dress.

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