Dont you dare .

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Matts pov:

Me and Chris play hockey, just for school so its not that intense, but its still high school so its mostly the dicks that play. But were good at it and our friend Nathan plays too.

Y/n is driving us all to practice, but she usually hangs out in the library and does some homework, or she sometimes does her homework on the bleachers, but its too cold.
" enjoy boys." She shouts and i kiss her before catching up Chris and Nathan.

When we get to the pitch im annoyed to see Brad on the ice already. He's laughing with others and when we get our gear on i cant stop looking at him. God he makes me so angry.

" sup Matt still with the girl thats too good for you, with those tits shes way outta your league." He snickers and i shake my head tell him to fuck off, my cheeks heating up in anger. We start some drills. I manage to stay away from him but coach pairs us up to practice scoring.
The team stands to the side and we each go up in our pairs and take turns shooting.

" hit me." Brad says, cockily. I try and score and it goes straight past his legs and hits the back of the net. " fuck you." I say when its time to switch places and i skate past him. " Oh im sure she would love to, God id bet shed love me smacking her ass." He retorts and i jab my arm out and punch him in the stomach. He hits me back and the next thing i feel is him full body slam me. I see Chris and Nathan grab me and they get me off the ice and sat on the bleachers.

" Fuck brad." I say, ragged breathed. My head is drenched in sweat and he's talking to coach. I bet he's sucking up to coach. " matt, my office now." He says and i roll my eyes and take off my skates walking over in my shoes.

" DID I SAY STOP, SHOOT SOME DAMN PUCKS." He shouts and the boys spring into action and i stalk into his office, plopping down on the seat opposite.

" what the fuck happened out there?" He asks. I suck in a breath and run fingers through my wet hair. "Brad, he's saying offensive things about her." I say and he leans back and sighs. He knows who y/n is shes the best, everyone loves her since im the only one with a girlfriend. But brad says Vulgar things about her. Fuck he makes me so mad.

" okay, i will deal with that but i still need to punish you for the fight. You cant play this Friday." He says and my mouth drops open. I start to fight but coach interrupts me. " brad will have a 3 match suspension, for the Vulgar language. Trust me. Its disgusting." He promises me and i nod, taking defeat.

" okay, head out. See you for practice Monday." He says and i thank him and grab my bag. I say bye to Chris and Nathan and i hear coach call for Brad in his office. Fuck you brad.

Y/n's pov;

Im working on some math homework when matt plops down next to me after kissing my hair. " hey." He says and i smile. I close my notebook and look at my phone for the time, its hardly been an hour. " its early, whats up." I say and he tells me about what happened.

" god i feel sick, he's disgusting." I say and he agrees. We get told to be quiet so we head out to the car. Chris and Nathan still have an hour to go so matt sits on his phone and i read for a little bit.

When the boys come out we drive home and i avoid any eye contact with their captain. Brad.

Matt's pov:

We still go to the game on Friday because i still want to support my brother and best friend. Plus i still want to cheer on the team. The first half of the game is great and were half way through when one player gets knocked over after being hit with the puck and were already down two so i see coach approaching me and he asks me to fill.

" i dont have my kit." I say and brad springs up and says he has his. " perfect, get dressed." Coach says but the smile on brads face soon turns sour when coach passes me brads bag. " do me proud sturniolo." He says and clamps a hand on my shoulder.

When im on the ice im happy im playing not brad. But soon anger flares in me when i see him eyeing her up. I score a goal and cheer with the team. Coach is happy as fuck and y/n is cheering but anger flares in me when i see brad approaching y/n and flings an arm around her. Y/n seems uncomfortable and try's to push him off but he just smiles and keeps his hands resting on her.

I tear my helmet off and skate to the side of the ice their on, i smash my hands against the plastic guard." GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER." I shout and coach sees what i am and marches over and leads y/n to his empty seat near the front. I smile at brad before mouthing. Fuck you. His face flares red from embarrassment and he just watches the rest if the match with a blank expression.

We win the game and i smile when i hand brad his gear back. " if you ever think about touching her again, you wont have any fucking hands. And you can kiss goodbye to hockey if you as such look at her. And if i hear you talk about her body ever again i will beat you so hard you wont play any sport. Ever. Okay." I say and he nods and stalks away with his laughing teammates.

I head over to coach and thank you for letting y/n sit near him and the other staff. " no problem, i will give brad a piece of my mind." He says and i smile locking my hands with y/n's. " you dont need to i already did." I laugh and lead y/n away. " what did you say?" Y/n laughs and i do too. " lets just say he wont ever touch, look or talk about you ever again." I say and she smiles kissing me. I love her.

A/n: OKAY I LOVE THIS. Idk ive read the deal and god i love this so much. Possibly my fave imagine. Whats yours?? Lmk

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